As I sit here, alone, in this dark, lonely house, I can't help but think about things, like life. All my life, the term, Life is what you make of it. You know what, FUCK THAT! Its only about 10% of what you make, 90% is controlled by the people around you. Think im wrong? Think about, look at everything about you. You really wanna go out and have some drinks and relax, 90% of the time, you call your friends, they don't want to go, and what do you end up doing? Not a dam thing, because your friends didn't want to do anything.
Every morning I wake up, and feel no purpose. Why do it? Why keep living this life? I was once a happy person, no all I see is pain and hate in this world we live in. I see how everyone around me controls my life. I want to wake up happy again, I want to feel alive again. I want to be me again.
I feel like I have to beg friends to just hang out with me anymore. Im tired of always having to goto everybody. I just feel like screaming till my voice is horse and I can't breathe anymore
Every morning I wake up, and feel no purpose. Why do it? Why keep living this life? I was once a happy person, no all I see is pain and hate in this world we live in. I see how everyone around me controls my life. I want to wake up happy again, I want to feel alive again. I want to be me again.
I feel like I have to beg friends to just hang out with me anymore. Im tired of always having to goto everybody. I just feel like screaming till my voice is horse and I can't breathe anymore
if you ever feel like chatting you have my yahoo! i'm always around.
WOW I feel the same way