My Big Scare in West Virginia Last Weekend
Man i had one hell of a scare. They have been seeing more and more bears around there, so when i went for a walk, i took my .45 with me. Im walking along through the back field and i come up onto a bone, i snap a pic..then find another bone, so i look around and find a whole deer carcass. Im like wtf happened here..then see a big pile of hair along the woods edge, so im like, a bear or coyote had to have done this.
So im sitting just looking at all of this and i hear something coming, so i sneak over next to a tree right inside the woods. Im on top of this ridge, and i know below me is a old road that is maybe 100 yards away down the side of the hill. Its making all this noise like its something big and im getting kinda nervous cause its walking right up towards me, cause i know deer don't make this much noise.
Its getting closer and closer but i still can't see anything. All i hear is all these leafs getting moved around and scratching noises coming right at me. Here i am alone in the woods, about a mile form the house.
All im thinkin is its a dam bear coming! So I have my .45 out and ready.
Then whatever it is stops, im looking and looking, i still dont see a thing, then i hear it going away from me. So i was like fuck this and snuck out of the woods back into the field to come around and see if i could see whatever it was.
I get down to the edge of the field to the road and boom, i see what it was...a whole flock of turkeys! They spotted me right away and took off. I sat there laughing for about 5 mins
Here are some pics I took
my dad =)

Man i had one hell of a scare. They have been seeing more and more bears around there, so when i went for a walk, i took my .45 with me. Im walking along through the back field and i come up onto a bone, i snap a pic..then find another bone, so i look around and find a whole deer carcass. Im like wtf happened here..then see a big pile of hair along the woods edge, so im like, a bear or coyote had to have done this.
So im sitting just looking at all of this and i hear something coming, so i sneak over next to a tree right inside the woods. Im on top of this ridge, and i know below me is a old road that is maybe 100 yards away down the side of the hill. Its making all this noise like its something big and im getting kinda nervous cause its walking right up towards me, cause i know deer don't make this much noise.
Its getting closer and closer but i still can't see anything. All i hear is all these leafs getting moved around and scratching noises coming right at me. Here i am alone in the woods, about a mile form the house.
All im thinkin is its a dam bear coming! So I have my .45 out and ready.
Then whatever it is stops, im looking and looking, i still dont see a thing, then i hear it going away from me. So i was like fuck this and snuck out of the woods back into the field to come around and see if i could see whatever it was.
I get down to the edge of the field to the road and boom, i see what it was...a whole flock of turkeys! They spotted me right away and took off. I sat there laughing for about 5 mins
Here are some pics I took

So popular I crashed the system hehe.
I feel like a ghost.