4 hours of 50,000 watts of 125 bpm stomp responding down to 40hz rings of tinitus in the morning. if i change jobs now there might still be hope of hearing my grandchildren's voices someday. but the way the people scream- i want it. i want it. i cant get enough.
er depends on what you're already familiar with.Um stuff on the ON-U-Sound label .Soul Jazz has a whole bunch of wicked re-issue stuff out.There is a bunch of Trojan box sets which are excellent.
I'm pretty sure there is a label in Boston that does alot of stuff.The name of which escapes me at present,but i remember that its in Camp st,Cambridge. next to the Fort Apache studio(I don't think thats there anymore tho)Hell there must be a reggae specialist store in Boston........Lee'Scratch'Perry,King Tubby,Scientist....Find one and you'll just keep going from there.The compilations are a good start..BOOYAKA
I notice with your favourites there is a bit of a bob thing going on ..