Anyone here good at Dream Interpretation? Cuz I had a doozy last night....
I was back in Seattle, showing some friends and relatives around that had come to visit for the weekend. They wanted to go visit a place called the "Reed Richards Botanical Wonderland" (yes, I know who Reed Richards is, forget about that detail). So, we hopped in our cars (two of them), and headed out.
Only, the driver of my car didn't know where we were going, and wasn't from the area. The only person that DID know how to get to the Gardens, was the driver of the other car. So we tried using our cell phones to contact them, but they kept cutting out.
We ended up getting horrendously lost, and everyone was totally on edge. So we pulled over at a fudge stand in the mountains, and decided to walk the rest of the way to our destination.
But I couldn't walk anywhere, because my pants kept coming unbuttoned, and falling down. I couldn't walk but a few steps before they'd trip me up.
I went back to the fudge stand and bought a bag of cashews and a disposable camera, deciding that I'd just wait for the rest of the folks to come back from their walk.
Then I woke up.
I was back in Seattle, showing some friends and relatives around that had come to visit for the weekend. They wanted to go visit a place called the "Reed Richards Botanical Wonderland" (yes, I know who Reed Richards is, forget about that detail). So, we hopped in our cars (two of them), and headed out.
Only, the driver of my car didn't know where we were going, and wasn't from the area. The only person that DID know how to get to the Gardens, was the driver of the other car. So we tried using our cell phones to contact them, but they kept cutting out.
We ended up getting horrendously lost, and everyone was totally on edge. So we pulled over at a fudge stand in the mountains, and decided to walk the rest of the way to our destination.
But I couldn't walk anywhere, because my pants kept coming unbuttoned, and falling down. I couldn't walk but a few steps before they'd trip me up.
I went back to the fudge stand and bought a bag of cashews and a disposable camera, deciding that I'd just wait for the rest of the folks to come back from their walk.
Then I woke up.
Welcome to the BCB
all i know about this dream is that cashews rock, so you must be a really koo person!! wanna be my friend?