I've got a new crush. But it's probably just cuz she's right.
I had a horrible morning, and was very irritable. A gal I sit near at work noticed and asked if there was anything she could do to help, and I told her it was just due to my naturally high blood pressure that I tend to get worked up pretty easily.
She said, straight-faced, "I think you're just sexually repressed."
Yeah, I'm easy like that.
I had a horrible morning, and was very irritable. A gal I sit near at work noticed and asked if there was anything she could do to help, and I told her it was just due to my naturally high blood pressure that I tend to get worked up pretty easily.
She said, straight-faced, "I think you're just sexually repressed."

Yeah, I'm easy like that.
self delusion is awesome.
ok, off to rock climb now. If I don't respond after this it is because I am laying in a bloody pile at the bottom of a rock formation, holding myself and crying uncontrollably-- if I live that is.