Well I think I just might of helped save a life last night.
I was going from the bar to get breakfast. Driving down highway 33 at 2:30am when I came across a car that had flipped over. (2 guys from Columbus.)
I called 911 then went and used my 1st aid training. Surprisingly they weren't in bad shap concidering that they just flipped a car going aleast 65mph and were drunk. The one only had a few minor cuts but the other one had a really bad cut to his arm. and was going into shock. I used my shirt as a bandaid and kept him talking to me until the ambulance got their. The stupid cops that got there befor the ambulance were no help what so ever. They were to busy trying to figure out what happened to help with any 1st aid.
So I did my good deed for the year.

I was going from the bar to get breakfast. Driving down highway 33 at 2:30am when I came across a car that had flipped over. (2 guys from Columbus.)
I called 911 then went and used my 1st aid training. Surprisingly they weren't in bad shap concidering that they just flipped a car going aleast 65mph and were drunk. The one only had a few minor cuts but the other one had a really bad cut to his arm. and was going into shock. I used my shirt as a bandaid and kept him talking to me until the ambulance got their. The stupid cops that got there befor the ambulance were no help what so ever. They were to busy trying to figure out what happened to help with any 1st aid.

So I did my good deed for the year.

and you were an angel that night no matter if you think so or not. but who knows what would have happened to them if you hadn't been there at that exact time and or didn't stop.
you're my hero, bort. i miss you can you come to the after prom party? check the ohio group for exact details.