Well I got some sleep last night (4 hours). Still really tired but still not sleepy. Something must be wrong with me.
I had a good day today (other then being so tired). I got a raise at work. A whole 35 cents. At least I can buy 5 beers more at the bar with that. Saturday I'm taking Jill to get her tongue pierced. I'm slowly turning the preepy girl into a freak. But really I like her just the way she is. I know I like a preep but oh well.
Well I think I'm going to try to go to sleep now. Everyone have a good night!
I had a good day today (other then being so tired). I got a raise at work. A whole 35 cents. At least I can buy 5 beers more at the bar with that. Saturday I'm taking Jill to get her tongue pierced. I'm slowly turning the preepy girl into a freak. But really I like her just the way she is. I know I like a preep but oh well.
Well I think I'm going to try to go to sleep now. Everyone have a good night!
Can you loan me some money? JK
My cousin is so cute. She just turned 18. She's totally preppy but she loves piercings cuz she THINKS THEY ARE CUTE. Awe. So she's working on her 5th piercing.
She may have more by now. She wants to pierce her ENTIRE face up cuz she thinks its cute.
To get the full effect of how adorable it sounds- you really have to HEAR her say it.
The only kinda preppy people I wouldn't want to be friends with would be the kind that look down on you cuz they think they are better. I haven't really met any in real life that are like that. Those kinda people are everywhere. Even "our people" can be rude and crude.
Mean people suck dawg balls! I only suck dawg balls one week outta every month. wink smile*