Day swiftly come and go. I'm dreaming of her. She's seeing other guys. Emotions they stir. The sun is gone. The nights are long. And I am left while the tears fall. Did you think I would cry. On the phone? Do you know what it feels like. Being alone? I'll find someone new. (So fuck you.) Swing, Swing, Swing from the tangles of. My heart is crushed by a former love. Can you help me find a way. To carry on again. Wish cast into the sky. I'm moving on. Sweet beginnings do arise. She knows I was (NOT) wrong. The notes are old. They bend, they fold. And so do I to a new love. Bury me. You thought your problems were gone. Carry me. Away, away, away....
The All American Rejects- Swing, Swing, Swing. (my new favorite band)
This songs is for my ex-wife. I added the words in ( ).
I think I have to finally admite I have a crush of Jill (girl from work, who I think likes me.). Since this is my what 10th journal entry about her. I bet everyones tired of hearing about her. Oh well.
She told me that Friday after I left her alone with some guy. That she slept with him because she was drunk, not because he was the one she wanted too. I got alittle jealous
. But hey its my own stupid fault!
Then my friends said that they know the guy and he is a women beater. I told her if she continued to see him and he ever hit her I'd kill him. She
and said you wouldn't do that for me would you? I replied I wouldn't kill him but he would get the shit kicked out of him with a baseball bat. She
and said thank you but I don't plan on seeing him again.
Plus its always the quite girls who are wild!!! I was joking with her today at work. I said to her your not wearing panties today, she said yes I am, I said no your not. She then looked around and said come here. I walked up to her and she pulled her pants down just far enof for me to see almost all of her panties. Yellow with white lace how cute! :love
Well Everyone have a Good Night *tucks everyone in* (its a daddy thing)!
P.S. I've made up my mind Friday me and her are going to a party. I'm going to ask her out. So Saturday if you see a
it went bad and if you see a
then it went good!
The All American Rejects- Swing, Swing, Swing. (my new favorite band)
This songs is for my ex-wife. I added the words in ( ).

I think I have to finally admite I have a crush of Jill (girl from work, who I think likes me.). Since this is my what 10th journal entry about her. I bet everyones tired of hearing about her. Oh well.

She told me that Friday after I left her alone with some guy. That she slept with him because she was drunk, not because he was the one she wanted too. I got alittle jealous

Plus its always the quite girls who are wild!!! I was joking with her today at work. I said to her your not wearing panties today, she said yes I am, I said no your not. She then looked around and said come here. I walked up to her and she pulled her pants down just far enof for me to see almost all of her panties. Yellow with white lace how cute! :love
Well Everyone have a Good Night *tucks everyone in* (its a daddy thing)!

P.S. I've made up my mind Friday me and her are going to a party. I'm going to ask her out. So Saturday if you see a

2. i love love love courage the cowardly dog.
and 3. i love you and can't wait for the party next month. the other night i had to go to a previous engagement that i didn't know about until the last minute so i wasn't online anyway. i gotta go real quick but i'll be on later. maybe we can chat or something