Well I'm still in Columbus Ohio.
I almost killed myself on I 70. The New Rome exit sucks! I was going too fast and almost flipped my jeep.But I'm still here and causen problems!!!
My damn computer was broke the last couple of days. I spent today fixing it. Right my I'm on my Bro's computer. Way better, faster, and Road Runner. NO dial up!!! I hate dial up!
Well last night sucked! I fucked up as always! Shoot me PLEASE!!! I'm so disappointed with myself. I should of asked Jill out but no I didn't talk to her very much so she left with some other guy! Well life goes on!
Well everyone have a good night!!!
Don't get toooo drunk!

Well last night sucked! I fucked up as always! Shoot me PLEASE!!! I'm so disappointed with myself. I should of asked Jill out but no I didn't talk to her very much so she left with some other guy! Well life goes on!

Well everyone have a good night!!!

i hope you get this