Well work was weird today! I was in a weird mood. I told off 2 bosses today they didn't say anything back because I was right
. I also spent the whole day picking on that girl (Jill) that I think likes me (I kind of like her). I cut my leg kind of good and since I'm the 1st aid person I got to bandage it myself. Jill asked me if I was ok I responed in a childs voice Booboo hurt kiss make it feel better. She said are you serious I said yep booboo hurt you kiss better. (by it was bandage) She then walked over to me and I though she was actuallly going to do it so I said I'm just joking!
Then I carried a 6'3" 280lb man from one end of the building to the other just because I was board. People were surpised to see me a 5'7" 220lb man carring him. I don't think they thought I was that strong.
The really bad thing today is I had to break another friends heart
. My friend Kari told me today that she has a crush on Me. I don't like Kari at all. Being her friend is hard enof. She alright looking but I just don't like her. I really don't get it. I'm this short, over weight (alittle), dorky, red headed, and pale skinned guy. This is the 5th friend in the last 3 months to tell me they have feeling for me other then just being friends. 4 women and one guy. My gay friend I think surprised me the most concidering I'm 100% straight but I talked to him about it and were still good friends. I think its that I'm funny, smart, caring, and faithful is why my friends keep falling for me. I need some kreptonight or something to keep them from falling for me. Well all but Jill
! Damn I think this is the longest journal entry I've wrote.
To finish I would like to Congradulate my Favorite SG person on turning PINK today.
I guess now your Suicide Girl not an SG person.
Everyone Have a Good Night!!!

The really bad thing today is I had to break another friends heart

To finish I would like to Congradulate my Favorite SG person on turning PINK today.


Everyone Have a Good Night!!!

are you going to that party now??? huh huh?
come on you have to. i don't want to be there by myself..
love you tons and thanks again.
this is sooo much fun.
[Edited on Aug 14, 2003]