Holy shit I'm fucked up!!! I'm drunk plus I'm high off my aass!!!
*puff puff pass*
Damn its been along time since I've been high.
weeeeeeeee hehehe I went to the resorvor to get and fell down hill! Ouch I think I hurt my ass...
I broke someones heart this week and I feel bad that I did it but oh well, I guess!!!
Well back to being happy *puff puff* mine you can't have it!
I feel so fucking good!!!
Well good night everyone!

I feel so fucking good!!!
Well good night everyone!

p.s. you are a smart smart man
[Edited on Aug 06, 2003]
oh man...that sucks! was it your friend that was hitting on you? did you screw her and he wanted your heart? i'm probably wrong with all the women you got
and as you wish! i will go back to being *puff * puff* HAPPY!!!! whooo hooo!!
love ya lots and lots and i can't
wait to see your tattoo.