Mission Impossible...
Mission Status
Buy 50 Sg Stickers Completed
Buy disposable Camera Incomplete
Buy Ninja Outfit Incomplete
Recieve Stickers in mail Incomplete
Pick 50 Targets 1/2 Complete
Put stickers on all targets Incomplete
Run from Police Incomplete
(Reason for Ninja Outfit)
Post Pictures Incomplete
Note to self put sticker on police station sign then run like hell!!!!
I'm really bored and have nothing to talk about or do.

Mission Status
Buy 50 Sg Stickers Completed
Buy disposable Camera Incomplete
Buy Ninja Outfit Incomplete
Recieve Stickers in mail Incomplete
Pick 50 Targets 1/2 Complete
Put stickers on all targets Incomplete
Run from Police Incomplete
(Reason for Ninja Outfit)
Post Pictures Incomplete
Note to self put sticker on police station sign then run like hell!!!!

I'm really bored and have nothing to talk about or do.

it is from my set. good luck on your mission. 

yeah, you snooze, you lose! haha