Thgis weekend was kind of fun. I wnt to Kings Island but my friends didn't want to ride the rides. So I went off on my own. Why even go to kings island if your not going to ride the rides so I was alittle upset about that
. Then I came home and went to the club in Lima called Night Moves it sucks but I had fun anyway. I got one of my friends really drunk. Off of 4 beers and a shot of 151 what a light weight. He was so drunk he couldn't stand so I carried him out to my car and drove him home. Then he started
I was
my ass off. I had just as much to drink and I didn't even have a buzz!
P.S. When you submit a comment in some one elses Journal how the hell do you put the

P.S. When you submit a comment in some one elses Journal how the hell do you put the

yeah . i hope that helped
rockin name by the way bort
[Edited on Jul 15, 2003]
[Edited on Jul 15, 2003]