I haven't been on here in a few days. Been really busy. I see we have new Smileys!
Thats cool!!!
1st shift work sucks. I've been so sleepy this week. This weekend is going to SUCK!!! Some of my friends are going to this CountryConcert thing that is 4 days long. Did I mention that I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC!!! So I'm not going. Work didn't give me a check they lost it so I'm poor. So its just going to be boring as hell.
P.S. Please go here and give the boy some advice. Stasi sorry but I felt like you just need some advice.

1st shift work sucks. I've been so sleepy this week. This weekend is going to SUCK!!! Some of my friends are going to this CountryConcert thing that is 4 days long. Did I mention that I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC!!! So I'm not going. Work didn't give me a check they lost it so I'm poor. So its just going to be boring as hell.
P.S. Please go here and give the boy some advice. Stasi sorry but I felt like you just need some advice.

I also hate 1st shift! My job constantly bounces my schedule around from 1st to 2nd and back again... No wonder I'm such a raging insomniac!
The monkey is my favorite of the new smileys. He rocks.

One more thing -- I like your dragon pic! Very nice!