well dudes live can be a complete ass at times.
you all know that my job could be no longer as from next week
the thing is my life was just starting to sort itself out, what with money, happyness, etc.......
but then this happens
, its kinda got me down lately but there are two things that have kept my head up, and they are of corse donz she's always there
then the other is my music, it is a big part of my life. i take my ipod to work with me and shut it all out, whilst listing to some brutal heavy as shit hardcore
because i cant fit donz in my pocket......
she makes me fill special, because i dont care who you are everyone likes to know that they are wanted or loved!!!!!!!!!!!
what i am trying to get across is that certain people in (from) my life dont seem to make the effort any more.
it's that whole (out of site out of mind) thing, which is sad really cos we always said that it would never be like this. but i guess this is what happens when you move away.
but come on im only 135 miles away, and how long is a internet cable 1 second
dont get me wrong its not everyone, but most!!!!!!
im not bitching really, just upset.......
**** you know when stuff just get you down after a while****
see ya dudes
you all know that my job could be no longer as from next week

the thing is my life was just starting to sort itself out, what with money, happyness, etc.......
but then this happens

then the other is my music, it is a big part of my life. i take my ipod to work with me and shut it all out, whilst listing to some brutal heavy as shit hardcore

because i cant fit donz in my pocket......
she makes me fill special, because i dont care who you are everyone likes to know that they are wanted or loved!!!!!!!!!!!
what i am trying to get across is that certain people in (from) my life dont seem to make the effort any more.
it's that whole (out of site out of mind) thing, which is sad really cos we always said that it would never be like this. but i guess this is what happens when you move away.
but come on im only 135 miles away, and how long is a internet cable 1 second

dont get me wrong its not everyone, but most!!!!!!
im not bitching really, just upset.......
**** you know when stuff just get you down after a while****
see ya dudes

simple truth is... thats life... its not just you that happens too... its everyone... as you can tell by the replies... and almost word for word...
to be honest.... its part of growth and development... look at you parents... how many of their friends from growing up do they see... mine see none...
dont fight growth and change... embrace it... dont dwell on the past... you'll never move on
dean used to say the exact same thing you just said.... and look at how much that used to get him down... now look.... he accepted and decided to make the change...
accept and adapt
is crappy through the change... great after...
watch big fish.... especially the section with the haunted path when he leaves the town he grew up in
stay cool... we'll always be there for you if you need us... regardless of contact... and thats what makes us true friends... not an e mail once a week... most people forget that...