i just saw a program done by the same guy that did "super size me" cant remember his name but hey!!
it was about him being on the bread line in the usa, him and his girl had to get jobs find a flat and well pretty much survive on the minimum wage. for 30 days..
i wont go into it cos i'll be here all night, but it sucked. the amount of work they did for the amount of money was a joke..
did anyone else see it?
i just saw a program done by the same guy that did "super size me" cant remember his name but hey!!
it was about him being on the bread line in the usa, him and his girl had to get jobs find a flat and well pretty much survive on the minimum wage. for 30 days..
i wont go into it cos i'll be here all night, but it sucked. the amount of work they did for the amount of money was a joke..
did anyone else see it?

(In November I'm getting some of my back done, its a long way finished, sob!)
glad you had a wicked time at the convention did your girlfriend get anything done?