hey dudes...
long time i know!!!!!!!!
well the reason is that i just dont use the site as i used to, so this is were i say my good byes.
it was cool chatting to all you guys, but im going to leave this site when subscription runs out.....
if anyone does what to stay in touch then you can get me on myspace
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long time i know!!!!!!!!
well the reason is that i just dont use the site as i used to, so this is were i say my good byes.
it was cool chatting to all you guys, but im going to leave this site when subscription runs out.....
if anyone does what to stay in touch then you can get me on myspace
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hey dudes,
hope all is good, i really must update far more often than i do... yep thats what im gana do from now on..
got a few things coming up that im really looking forward to.
first off im going to see TERROR on thursday, which is gana be amazing. i get to go to london too, man i miss that place so much....
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hope all is good, i really must update far more often than i do... yep thats what im gana do from now on..
got a few things coming up that im really looking forward to.
first off im going to see TERROR on thursday, which is gana be amazing. i get to go to london too, man i miss that place so much....
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hope you had a wicked time dude

hello there!! you've been quieter than me recently - i hope all is well with you and your lady.

hey dudes,
all is good at the moment work is cool, and home is great too. sunday was the day that donz and me have been together for six years. we did'nt really do much kinda just chilled out at home.
hope you all had a wicked christmas, mine was sweet. i went back to southend on boxing day or two days but ended staying...
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all is good at the moment work is cool, and home is great too. sunday was the day that donz and me have been together for six years. we did'nt really do much kinda just chilled out at home.
hope you all had a wicked christmas, mine was sweet. i went back to southend on boxing day or two days but ended staying...
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heeeeeeey stranger!! i'm glad all is good. mwa
hey dudes,,
welcome to the world of paul's jobs
man i got laid off from work about two months ago now and found a job that day, then that job came to an end also i was getting pissed off there to.
so i found another job within a day.
i really like working there (if any of you have seen the new advert for...
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welcome to the world of paul's jobs
man i got laid off from work about two months ago now and found a job that day, then that job came to an end also i was getting pissed off there to.
so i found another job within a day.
i really like working there (if any of you have seen the new advert for...
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Damn dude. I think by now we are on the same page when it comes to jobs. We can't keep one for shit!!!
!! I have actually been content with my new job all around. I feels good having money. Hopefully it lasts......
Other then that I hope all is well.
P.S. Stop buying your girl shoes. Shes got one pair on me so far, HAHAHA. Lates.

Other then that I hope all is well.
P.S. Stop buying your girl shoes. Shes got one pair on me so far, HAHAHA. Lates.
buy a dingy and rob a honda badge nd slap it on teh front and one of their new clean deseil (what the fuck it burns desiel you freeks) engins on it. say it nu moderny style boat for discerning inner city metrosexual nobby types.
then leave...
thats wot id do...but probly why my boss dont trust me or give me money
then leave...
thats wot id do...but probly why my boss dont trust me or give me money
hey people, i aint vanished yet!!!
i just could'nt be arsed to update, and there was'nt really that much going on anyway..
so i'll try and get back into the swing of things again..
see ya
i just could'nt be arsed to update, and there was'nt really that much going on anyway..
so i'll try and get back into the swing of things again..
see ya


merry christmas!!

hey dudes,
me and donz have made our minds up about a certain thing that donz wanted to do, so the ball is rolling now and we will be looking to get it all sorted for next year...
also dudes i've decided on the dog i want to get. i have wanted a dog for like years and i am gana get one, and this...
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me and donz have made our minds up about a certain thing that donz wanted to do, so the ball is rolling now and we will be looking to get it all sorted for next year...
also dudes i've decided on the dog i want to get. i have wanted a dog for like years and i am gana get one, and this...
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nice dude
dont keep us in suspence for to long

dont keep us in suspence for to long

awwww i want want!!!!
actually i prefer Basset Hounds....i think its the sad eyes that gets me evertime....but the dog u want is awsome too and when you see one in the streets u can't help but admire them!!!!great choice
actually i prefer Basset Hounds....i think its the sad eyes that gets me evertime....but the dog u want is awsome too and when you see one in the streets u can't help but admire them!!!!great choice

hi dudes,
sorry i aint updated for a while, been leading a pretty boring life at the moment....
appart from donz of corse.
so i'll sort it out and fill you guy's in with all the excitement soon as........
see ya
sorry i aint updated for a while, been leading a pretty boring life at the moment....
appart from donz of corse.
so i'll sort it out and fill you guy's in with all the excitement soon as........
see ya

thanks for the birthday wish dude.... u both made me smile
miss u guys... funny drunken nights in southampton.... hehe!!
have a groovy festive season and send me some pics...
take care dude

miss u guys... funny drunken nights in southampton.... hehe!!
have a groovy festive season and send me some pics...
take care dude

Most definately - if you come up to get Frankie to tattoo you i'lll most likely see you in the shop

oh my god if you have had a shit day like me today, then you have to check out my mates latest entry.....steve_huge....
take a look at the link he has on his page and it will make you smile again
i'm still crying now!!!!!!!
take a look at the link he has on his page and it will make you smile again

i'm still crying now!!!!!!!

Now I'M on her brand spanking new one!! Ooooh.
How's your week been Mister? Any exciting plans for the weekend?
How's your week been Mister? Any exciting plans for the weekend?
I saw the lucky nine last night at the Manchester Academy. Great band but don't get me started about that crowd ... don't don't .. Noooooooooooo.

hey dudes,
just a quick one....
if your not doing anything tonight and your in the portmouth area....then go check out a band called "the lucky nine" their playing at the pyramid centre..
the lucky nine
there is a link to itunes on the site so you can check out the tracks.....
see ya
just a quick one....
if your not doing anything tonight and your in the portmouth area....then go check out a band called "the lucky nine" their playing at the pyramid centre..
the lucky nine
there is a link to itunes on the site so you can check out the tracks.....
see ya

But you KNOW i'm sick AND i'm not in the Portsmouth area!

My hamster worked out better as a coin purse rather than a handbag,perhaps if i fatten the next one up.....

Black roses. Loverly. I like black.
Hehe - when you said 'i've got Mom and Dad on my chest' I couldn't remember what i'd said to you before, and I just kept thinking 'does he mean he has his Mom and Dad on his back'...? Hehehe. I'm stupid.
Hehe - when you said 'i've got Mom and Dad on my chest' I couldn't remember what i'd said to you before, and I just kept thinking 'does he mean he has his Mom and Dad on his back'...? Hehehe. I'm stupid.
those tattoo ideas sound cool, just send some stuff whenever you are ready.
the shop is going well thanks. there are just lots of little jobs that are never ending. as we get one done another appears! oh well, its a good job i love it!
take care

the shop is going well thanks. there are just lots of little jobs that are never ending. as we get one done another appears! oh well, its a good job i love it!
take care
