Hello all, how the hell are you!

Well today it's cold, like 16 below with the wind chill, at least a little bit ago. I had a appointment at the ol' hospital today, what's up with parking during the winter!? Which car started the sideways parking in the morning I wonder. By the time I show up, it's like a free for all. Seriously, some...
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I love Ebay, but man, $20 bucks here $20 bucks there..........no wonder I am broke! I am very fiscally irresponsible, I pay my bills and what not on time mind you, but I can't save a dime for the life of me. Just yesterday I racked up almost $100 bucks on ebayeeek, winning little things, things that I like to collect.biggrin

Anyone watch that...
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at least you didn't accidentally buy a JEEP on ebay like my dad did once. smile
A JEEP.............wow.............no I haven't done that! Did he actually have to go through with the whole deal?
Well it's been a couple of days since I blogged, so ............I am thankful that I have seemed to make a couple of friends on here. Well at least we exchange messages.......it's the little things, they add up!! smile It's snowing here again.........I swear, I am moving to San Diego, I am sooooooooo sick of snow! Not a whole heck of a lot to go on...
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Well It's saturday, it snowed over night again, we must have 25 inches on the ground now.........I am sick of snow, just sick of it! Bright side i am going to the flea market to buy some old rusty crap today, maybe some old tools, oil cans, who knows. I just get a kick out of that shit. biggrin

I have to say though, "lonestarforlife" will...
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mmmm Flea markets! I'm sorry about your friends mom frown
The past couple of days at work have been a complete nightmare, I would go into great detail, but not only would my eyes glaze over, anyone who might read this would also! Lets just say workplace gossip really sucks, people just mind your own F!!@ing business! Anyway...............oh yeah, how the hell is a bi-polar person (me) suppose to not be moody from time to...
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Wow, I am very excited for the big boys/girls at AIG!! They were able to give themselves a little bonus again, something like 100,000,000.00! Isn't that nice..................I hope that they can survive on that. whatever Well I know I couldbiggrin
What would I do with just a million dollars...........a question pondered by most I am sure. Lets see, well for starters I am not running for...
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smile thanks for the sweet comment! It's just acrylic paint on thick paper
Those sound like pretty good ways to spend that kind of money. Mine would be: House, a truck and horse trailer, maybe I would part time and be a working student with a famous dressage trainer. donate a lot to the tiger rescue I volunteer at, give a lot to my parents and buy my brother a really good car, college funds and riding lessons fro my nieces. Help some friends with their own projects and things. Same ol Same ol. I wish I was the daughter of one of those AIG guys, but nah, I bet they're shitty parents.
Well here is to a great February, its getting closer to spring!!smile So yesterday I was at Barnes and Noble, my usual weekend stop. I was checking out the mags when the newest issue of "Paste" jumped out at me. Now I usually don't stop at the music mags, but I decided to check em' out for a change. So anyway I am reading about...
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I would run the standard setup also but you dont see to many that way so it was kinda cool.....

Dont know if you are into rockabilly but there are some great bands you should check out.. Tiger Army, Mad Sin, Reverand Horton Heat, Cadillac Tramps, Nekromantix
Domesticated duties, for some reason I enjoy certain ones. I really like to vacum, having three pups really leads to an awful amount of vacumming (how do you spell that?) We have one of those $500 Dyson's I think it's called the "animal" or something, anyway this thing has power. It also commands attention, once powered up all the pups sit at attention eyes wide...
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I enjoy re-organizing and getting rid of stuff and writing lists. Vacuuming pet hair.... can't say I'm a fan of that!

Your dogs are lovely
That picture is at the top of the summit lift at Bachelor, maybe 9,000 feet? Friends are tough indeed. I have given up on super close ones, but I have this group now that I adore.
Recently, within the past couple weeks, I was made aware of certain things about myself. My attractiveness to others, or should I say the lack of. Being of low self esteem anyway, it hurt, very much. Very much so that I went out on a impulse and did something that I am not sure I regret. Maybe in time I will regret it, but maybe...
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Well I want to get in my blog before I am off to work! Started messing with water colors a little more today, trying to teach myself shading and what not. Hard when I have to stop every other minute to fetch the ball out from under the TV stand. Pups enjoy putting it under there so I have to get down on their level...
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