Aced my Midterms and the Final in my 8 week class. School is really smoking through for me i love it! At least one thing is going right for me.
Hope you guys dont mind a little venting but here it goes
Met this girl in my A+ class. Super hot, way easy to talk to, have a lot of fun together. Things are going great. Guess i got too excited though and she let me have the "your a great guy but im not attracted to you in that way" line..... feeling pretty down about it. I just dont understand girls. I realize im not going to be the 6-pack abs sex god that women dream of but im not hideous. i think...
whats a man gotta do to get some lovin! hahaha
Hope you guys dont mind a little venting but here it goes
Met this girl in my A+ class. Super hot, way easy to talk to, have a lot of fun together. Things are going great. Guess i got too excited though and she let me have the "your a great guy but im not attracted to you in that way" line..... feeling pretty down about it. I just dont understand girls. I realize im not going to be the 6-pack abs sex god that women dream of but im not hideous. i think...
