seems as though I will once again be picking up the pieces of me and starting over again. Kinda shitty. Kinda needed. I'm at a very, very weird place in life..and sadly, a place that I was probably meant to be...especially seeing as how I've been setting myself up for this since I was a kid. It's funny sometimes to realize that you're very much the kind of person that you in some ways dreamed of becomming, and then to realize that dreams, well, they aren't quite as good in reality. I dunno...damn. So anyway, I guess that this is where my life starts from...more or less. I've learned some things, forgotten some things, missed some things, loved some things, hated some things....shit, I really hope that somewhere along the line I picked up the tools needed to do it. If not.... I'm in a state of confusion, and I expect it to last for a bit..but then I gotta rebuild. I'm pretty sure that we've got the technology.....

i just kept looking at everyone and not remembering their name, not recognizing their face, wondering how to HELL did everyone i grew up with get so fucking....old. and....boring. were they always boring? was i boring?
the whole time i just kept thinking that i was the only one who stayed true to my high school self. and then i had to that even a good thing? i dont take my life seriously...and all these other people seemed so ...seriously boring.
im at that weird crossroads of starting over vs planting some roots (both psychologically and geographically) probably has much to do with turning 30/getting fired/moving all in the same 2 week time frame.
im just gonna keep drinking and hope it passes.
and yea.. i know im not alone.. we all go through shit in our lives.. so i just gotta keep the head high and keep moving on ~!
as for the tat.. that idea might work.. but im just going to laser if off.. the last 4 letters.. the lines are pretty thin.. so hopefully it all works out..
and on a side note.. i think you need a vacation~!