Ahhhh....Remember when it used to be easy? Me neither.
So, I'm gonna go crazy here and write a bit, it's been forever! And ya' know what? It's gonna have a bunch of pictures. Anyway, things are going okay.....in general. Like everyone, I have problems...problems with my love-life, problems with my work-life..and problems with....life. Lately, and by no means a new idea...work is starting to be an issue. I mean, I like my job okay, but it's not my dream..and I hope it's not my permanent reality. I so wish that someone would've let me know at a young age that the world is huge, and that it really kind of is your oyster..unless you decide to shut that shell yourself. Which really, is what most of us do...we trap ourselves in our lives. I tried so hard to not do that to myself, but really, I only had half of the knowledge that I needed to accomplish that. I did what I could, with what I had...and it got me to a fairly good point. Which is where I am now. Finally though, it feels like I've climbed the building, and now, it's time to jump. Jump free of everything that's holding me down and let the new rush of fresh air be my focus. Or something like that. I'm really trying to get to where I want to be, and I've been going about it the slowest way possible, but I'm starting to get to that point where I'm hungry...a hunger that I lost for a little bit. One day, I hope to be here letting all of you in on what I'm REALLY up to...if for no other reason, that to just put it out there in the universe that guess what? I did it. So I'm still saying, "Fuck You." Sorry it took me so long. Pictures?
Right now, I really dig my girlfriend.
So, I'm gonna go crazy here and write a bit, it's been forever! And ya' know what? It's gonna have a bunch of pictures. Anyway, things are going okay.....in general. Like everyone, I have problems...problems with my love-life, problems with my work-life..and problems with....life. Lately, and by no means a new idea...work is starting to be an issue. I mean, I like my job okay, but it's not my dream..and I hope it's not my permanent reality. I so wish that someone would've let me know at a young age that the world is huge, and that it really kind of is your oyster..unless you decide to shut that shell yourself. Which really, is what most of us do...we trap ourselves in our lives. I tried so hard to not do that to myself, but really, I only had half of the knowledge that I needed to accomplish that. I did what I could, with what I had...and it got me to a fairly good point. Which is where I am now. Finally though, it feels like I've climbed the building, and now, it's time to jump. Jump free of everything that's holding me down and let the new rush of fresh air be my focus. Or something like that. I'm really trying to get to where I want to be, and I've been going about it the slowest way possible, but I'm starting to get to that point where I'm hungry...a hunger that I lost for a little bit. One day, I hope to be here letting all of you in on what I'm REALLY up to...if for no other reason, that to just put it out there in the universe that guess what? I did it. So I'm still saying, "Fuck You." Sorry it took me so long. Pictures?
Right now, I really dig my girlfriend.
We are gonna fucking do this. That is where we are gonna go.. We are two people that love eachother so much that this shit is nothing for our fucking superhero team. I love you
Hey sweety.. I miss you. I am off to bed and I will be having sexy dreams about you. I hope you are doing the same. Will you draw me a picture tomorrow? Something cool to put in the living room maybe?