day after xmas, the juggernaut grinds to a halt. the registers' singing is silenced. the green paper river slows down to a trickle. do you have your receipts for all of the gifts you dont like?
i got mostly books. hemmingway, joyce, and steinbeck. i asked for neruda, but my dad and stepmom couldnt find it. i should have told them to check the foreign language section. they also couldnt find Amelie! same problem.
my cousin and i took down a Tofurkey yesterday! i had never had it before, as i usually just ate whatever vegetables were around. well, i like Tofurkey, and will be getting it for the next appropriate holiday.
i have a little vacation now, and nothing to do. i ached to call the ex, and then discretion got the better part of me. i have some friends who are here, home from school. but, they have all sortsa dumb family obligations, so i wont see them till saturday or so. bummer.
oooh, i got Bright Eyes tickets for Feb. stoked!
i really need to go out tonight. i need to see some hipster girls and i want to feel like i have a chance with them. course, id never EVER talk to a girl, but thats a different story.
i got mostly books. hemmingway, joyce, and steinbeck. i asked for neruda, but my dad and stepmom couldnt find it. i should have told them to check the foreign language section. they also couldnt find Amelie! same problem.
my cousin and i took down a Tofurkey yesterday! i had never had it before, as i usually just ate whatever vegetables were around. well, i like Tofurkey, and will be getting it for the next appropriate holiday.
i have a little vacation now, and nothing to do. i ached to call the ex, and then discretion got the better part of me. i have some friends who are here, home from school. but, they have all sortsa dumb family obligations, so i wont see them till saturday or so. bummer.
oooh, i got Bright Eyes tickets for Feb. stoked!
i really need to go out tonight. i need to see some hipster girls and i want to feel like i have a chance with them. course, id never EVER talk to a girl, but thats a different story.
Happy Holilidaze and fucking-a.... tofurkey is the shit.
Avoid the clap, yes, that is something that should be on everybodies list. I give that idea two thumbs up, way up.