i got the fucking job!! the people there are great, its no evening an weekends and in bloody london. ive been well happy past couple days but now reality has sunk in. ive not got 4 weeks to find a room with people that will take cats. which im struggling.
so if anyone out there knows any one
im so hungry, its typical im having a fasted blood test tommorow and even tho i dont normally eat this late coz i cant i want to.
i keep feeling faint and losing my short term memory so having bloods to check my sugar levels and thyroid. then when i told em how much i drink they fort theyd better check me liver too. i... Read More
fingers crossed on the tests and hope they come back all clear for ya
give that other person a good fight too and get that job you deserve it best of luck
its only just hit me that in a few months i could be livin in london, no more bastard boss and all the small minded twats. im so done with little towns. i will miss my house coz i will never be able to afford a place like this in london but i found a wicked site for house shares and loads will... Read More
im sad tonight
my best mates ben and hayley have been to stay at mine and weve ad a wicked few days but now they gone and im left with a very quiet house and a sink full of vomit
i cant get rid of it without chucking up myself.
we went out in pboro which was fun as not really been out round here... Read More
right now i just need to rant about my cunt of a boss!! oh my god i have never met anyone so fucking cuntish. i totally get that being a nurse i have to do what a vet tells me but i aint a freakin slave. it started off with just pety little things like passing him things that he can easily reach and making... Read More
Law now says that you can not be discriminated for what you look like that inculdes hair colour. If he tries to dismiss you for that reason you can take him to an industiral tribunal or sue him for unfair dismissal.
I've recently been doing a unit on law in my business admin course so thats how come I know.
ive had the most random few days. iwas in london to carry on the bday celebrations and i dont think ive ever laughed so much!!
started off by seeing bullet at brixton but i was too hammered to really remember much of it but we ended going back to bennys and watching this while off our tits. seriously i was laughing so much i could... Read More
id have laughed like nuts to at that thanks for putting that up made my day lol
sounds like you had one hell of a day there im doing great too thanks for asking,glad the sun is getting out more had enough of crap weather
looks like you had a fucking awesome day!
My Birthday was great, finished it all off on Monday seeing the Dropkick Murphies! Was freakin awesome!
Hows yours been?