right now i just need to rant about my cunt of a boss!! oh my god i have never met anyone so fucking cuntish. i totally get that being a nurse i have to do what a vet tells me but i aint a freakin slave. it started off with just pety little things like passing him things that he can easily reach and making me take his rubbih to the skip coz its too cold outside for him. now he threatening to sack me coz ive got a pink fringe and my tounge pierced! i take all my jewelery off for work and cover tats up where other nurses have hooped earings, necklaces and as if i go round fucking licking everything to make my tougne bar dangerous.
ive managed to compramise the hair thing so i can keep my hair black but he keeps saying but you are white so why have black hair. see im no way racist but hes from iran and was raised by a total different culture.so he sees men as the dominate gender and doesnt except anything slightly out of the norm but im sorry hes now in this country he should except that things are different here.
and its not just me he has go at one of the other nurses and her partner that works there are the most coolst people you meet and after miscaraging last year and having to give birth to a dead baby they are now expecting again. but our boss wont let both of them go to doctors appointments and makes her get a signed letter from the doctor to prove she went and how long for. then calls her a baby coz she wants the day off to be with her partner when he has emergency surgery.
there are loads more i could say but i just cant be arsed now. to sum it up he is great and making you feel like you are shit at your job, takes the piss with wages and knows that trainee nursing jobs are so hard to come by that i cant just up and leave. i dont wanna give up my training coz of him. im a great fuckin nurse and ive waiting long enough to get this job and movd away from all my family and friends for it but i cannot do a job that makes me this unhappy.
ive managed to compramise the hair thing so i can keep my hair black but he keeps saying but you are white so why have black hair. see im no way racist but hes from iran and was raised by a total different culture.so he sees men as the dominate gender and doesnt except anything slightly out of the norm but im sorry hes now in this country he should except that things are different here.
and its not just me he has go at one of the other nurses and her partner that works there are the most coolst people you meet and after miscaraging last year and having to give birth to a dead baby they are now expecting again. but our boss wont let both of them go to doctors appointments and makes her get a signed letter from the doctor to prove she went and how long for. then calls her a baby coz she wants the day off to be with her partner when he has emergency surgery.
there are loads more i could say but i just cant be arsed now. to sum it up he is great and making you feel like you are shit at your job, takes the piss with wages and knows that trainee nursing jobs are so hard to come by that i cant just up and leave. i dont wanna give up my training coz of him. im a great fuckin nurse and ive waiting long enough to get this job and movd away from all my family and friends for it but i cannot do a job that makes me this unhappy.
i`ll come and give a punch on nose
I've recently been doing a unit on law in my business admin course so thats how come I know.