just had a wicked wknd in london. met up wit my benni. so good see him. miss being around people. i live in such a tiny little town now. got v pissed on bloody zambukas and eventually made it to brixton 2 see 30 seconds to mars. had a freakin wicked time.
but then came back to find out my boss has discovered that min wage is less if your under 22 so im now gonna lose around 160 a month which i just cant afford. how come he didnt figure this out 3 months ago when i took the fuckinh job. im not 22 til feb. handy that just before xmas. as if living in this shitty town werent bad enough.
right new plan im gonna become chav, have loads of kids and be on the doll. sorted.
but then came back to find out my boss has discovered that min wage is less if your under 22 so im now gonna lose around 160 a month which i just cant afford. how come he didnt figure this out 3 months ago when i took the fuckinh job. im not 22 til feb. handy that just before xmas. as if living in this shitty town werent bad enough.
right new plan im gonna become chav, have loads of kids and be on the doll. sorted.
thats a shitter about your wages there sweetie,hell of alot to loose every month,roll on feb for ya so you can get it back
right there is better to live like the chav scum out there,dont work but can afford more than we can grrr