RIGHT!! im gettin the sodin internet 2morrow. cant keep on borrowin other peoples.
im having theworst luck lately propa been slap in the face by "the real world". after realisin that i cant actually afford to live byself i went tosee if i could claim any benefits. i must deserve something working for a charity on min wage. so off i trotted to see mr council man and was told yep i could get help with my rent. then i got a letter saying that coz im not over 25 i cant get anything!! apparently its alot cheaper to live alone if your under 25. WHAT THE FUCK!! dont make sense to me. no matter how old i am my rents still gonna be the same and my wages are gonna be the same. so unless i want to get pregnant by a foreigner i get jack shit.
Then after getting this letter i get a call sayin killswitch have cancelled!!! but does give me time to get their new album.
but on a happier note i got new tattoo and septum pierced. having my septum done was the painful thing i have ever experienced!! but i love it. and ive got beautiful stars on my foot.
im having theworst luck lately propa been slap in the face by "the real world". after realisin that i cant actually afford to live byself i went tosee if i could claim any benefits. i must deserve something working for a charity on min wage. so off i trotted to see mr council man and was told yep i could get help with my rent. then i got a letter saying that coz im not over 25 i cant get anything!! apparently its alot cheaper to live alone if your under 25. WHAT THE FUCK!! dont make sense to me. no matter how old i am my rents still gonna be the same and my wages are gonna be the same. so unless i want to get pregnant by a foreigner i get jack shit.
Then after getting this letter i get a call sayin killswitch have cancelled!!! but does give me time to get their new album.
but on a happier note i got new tattoo and septum pierced. having my septum done was the painful thing i have ever experienced!! but i love it. and ive got beautiful stars on my foot.
That really sucks, maybe you could take on a flat mate? help out with the bills and rent!
either that of find a job with abit more cash involed.
i hear it got cancelled, but the new album should make up for it!!
i am hoping to get my septum done soon and get my tattoo finished to!