Sinovia and I had a great time last night. Linda's was my favorite bar a long time ago and last night was my first time back in years, and I have to say it's still my favorite.
Either it's beacuse it hasn't changed much or maybe it's beacuse we had another chance to hang out with good friends and meet some new ones like freckle and Sydni.
or maybe it's because Motley Crue was there!

Strongmad and Monkey13
Strongmad, FallFromGrace and some others who's names I don't remember. Sorry
Arvy, Jerret and the lovely Lindsay.
Our new friends Sydni and freckle.
The only thing that could have made last night better is if the stunning geckogirl had been there.

or maybe it's because Motley Crue was there!

Strongmad and Monkey13
Strongmad, FallFromGrace and some others who's names I don't remember. Sorry

Arvy, Jerret and the lovely Lindsay.
Our new friends Sydni and freckle.
The only thing that could have made last night better is if the stunning geckogirl had been there.

looks like you guys had fun
Are you up for this weekend anytime????