Woooo Hooo got my spanking new picture of Bettina in the mail today.. I'am the happiest kinda Happy.. received a message yesterday from bombshellbettyyesterday....Tonite in S.F. the Gals R do'ing a show and a Gun's n' Roses cover band.. I'am So there.. spent the afternoon in the winecountry, a nice 83 deg. some chardonay n' rees-ling.. the freeways are all backed up to shit--soo what I'am gonna see sweetcheeks and and the other talent.. I now live for the Burlesque shows and being able to communicate w/ it's stars through the S.G. so rad.. I guess I can still say that. and thanks again Bettina can't wait till you hit the California shores. Soon


No pics posted yet - I'm still trying to figure out which end is " up " - Completely disoriented and overwhelmed............

Haha, I read "Got my spanking" and got all excited!