I love my best friend he cracks me up so much. Fractal, you mighta said Hi to him when we met. Anyway I was chatting to him on messenger, and he says to me he caught up with a girl he knew from two years ago. Despite being totally incompetent with women he has the best dating stories. Two years ago he was working nights...
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I'm bored. Almost bored enough that I wish I'd gone to a bonfire the other foreigners were having somewhere near the sea or river or something. Too cold for me to wanta go outside tonight though.

I just remembered something amusing that happened when I was working at a motorway service station (roadhouse for aussies) earlier this year. I was working in the shop there...
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Hmm Naughty or Nice Test

Your score = 75

What does your score mean?

You've been bad, very, very bad... and you love it! If your naughty streak hasn't already gotten you involved in some risqu situations, you're definitely on your way to a life of debauchery... especially when it comes to sexual escapades. You appear to have difficulty resisting temptation, and jump at the...
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I gotta go to work today. That sucks. I really wanta clean my apartment instead. Maybe I'll do it tmw. But I'll probably spend most of tmw in a daze - my boss is taking everyone at our school out for christmas dinner/drinks tonight. He's taking EVERYone who works there, even the cleaners and stuff. It'll be weird. unfortunately Renee isn't going, she said she'd...
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So i went to Gumdo this morning. Only myself and Amanda were there for the first fifteen minutes. Then Gestapo came. I didn't name him. Anyway he is a scary black belt taxi driver dude (3rd, 5th dan? who cares?). Anyway, after he got there he warmed up a bit, then spent 40 minutes DRILLING me. He totally ignored Amanda, and just DRILLED me hardcore....
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Those pics look like the area around Seoraksan...
is that where you are?
Nope I'm at the opposite end of the country to Seoraksan. If you look at the map at the front of your Lonely Planet , down in the south in Jeollonam-Do you will see a town called Suncheon. My town is near there on the coast. My actual town isn't on their map though coz its too small or something.
Today I got up fairly early and went on an hour long bus ride to the next town over (which is much bigger) so that I could buy cheese. I can't go into a supermarket without buying lots of stuff though, all the food is so tempting.. so I spent about $120 today. I bought.. a sweater, a hat, some cheese, some butter, some bread,...
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It's someones birthday tonight. I don't think I'll go though. I've decided to stop drinking, and I think going to a party surrounded by people drinking will make it very hard. Plus I probably won't have fun. Plus I'm embarassed from last saturday when I got way too drunk.

So it's a week since I last drunk. Which is very good for me. I always...
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The reason I feel indebted to Aisling (pronounced Ashling) is kinda sad actually. Well to me, anyway.

Myself and Aisling arrived in this country at almost the same time. I arrived maybe three dys after her. Anyway, after about a week, myself and Aisling were drinking at a bar downtown. We walked home together because we live almost next door to each other. I ended...
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So I'm sposed to be at this party now. I went to the pre-party party at my workmate's house, which was cool. then to the bar where the party is. And Aisling asks me if I'ved burned her CD. Now I know last night she asked me to make one for tonight, and she said she'd email me the songs. But I didn't get no...
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I've had like $2,000 sitting on my coffee table for a week because I can't be bothered to go to the bank. It's all in 10,000 won notes too (worth like.. $7) so its quite a nice big pile.

I'm glad there's not too much burglary round here. I'll try and go on monday. or maybe tuesday.

I'm going out to dinner and then for...
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