AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! tongue tongue tongue
So this year's been.. fun.. so far.

Found out we were getting a new teacher. Then we got a new teacher. He's a touch different to most people in this town. But in a good way in my opinion.

He's been to Korean before. In *1981* when he was in the US military. He was Canadian but joined the US Army. He's been special forces...
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So I told everyone all week my plan was to read a book or watch a movie for new years. Then fucking John calls me (and wakes me) at 3:00pm and tells me I have to go out tonight blah blah blah. So I go back to bed. And then he calls me again at 4... and at 4:30... so I go out wit him...
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Oh I think Judie stole my hat today. Judie is a little girl who speaks FLUENT english with a proper American accent, and way above her level for even a native spealer. She's very intelligent, and speaks amazingly well. becayse of living abroad..

Anyway today, I went into my classroom at 6:15. it was FREEZING. I left the classroom, went to the staffroom, grabbed two...
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Yeah this one place i worked at was fucking freezing ALL the time. It made me sick for the first time in 7 years! mad These peepz are cheap yo!

Good luck finding a public school. I hear it's a pretty sweet deal here if you can.

I too know about the uber smart kids. This one Kindergartner Arlene spoke like a little adult with virtually no accent. She was aawesome to teach because she loved learning and learned so well.

I decided on the other job today as it seemed more oriented to what i wanted out of my time in Korea. Hopefully this will work out and this stressful bullshit is behind me.

Happy New Years guy!
Was a fucked up day today. I learned some shit in Gumdo.. but it's all going to be forgotten by the time I next go,

It was Renee's last day at work today. She got fired a coupla days ago for teaching private students. Which is.. crappy. She's Korean, so it's totally acceptable for her to tutor people privatetly in her own country. But the...
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Tsunamis suck. There is a nice girl from who's been living in this town teaching English for the last couple of months. She went to Thailand for a week. She left on Friday. We've tried to get in contact with her but failed so far. I hope she's ok.

The island I happily spent a month on last year has probably been mostly wiped out....
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Yeah man...that's absolutely unbelievable what's happened out there. I can't believe the devastation this thing has wrought. I hope your friends are ok.

AS for New Years'? No idea what i'm doing. Probably hangingout with the same crew i spent Christmas with.
Hmm Christmas. Listening to some punk. I opened my presents on my own in my apartment. it rocked. I got: two books, a t-shirt, some custard and lots of tea bags. Oh and last night at our secret santa cheap gag gift draw I got a really gaudy plastic gold makeup box. I swapped it for a laser pointer and a santa pen though.

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My cat from back home died.

I found out Christmas morning at 4am.

I am sad

So I'm listening to some radio from back home. There's a dilemmna hotline type thing.

This girl phones up and explains her problem.

She's been seeing 5 guys pretty much simultaneously who've all bought her christmas presents. She wants the presents but also hasn't bought presents for any of them and wants to drop all five of the guys because they're a bit wet and...
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Hey dude, where in South Korea are you? I'm in Seoul, doing the english teaching thing too. Drop me a line and if we're close we could get together sometime.
So I've had this idea on and off for a couple of years. I think it would be entertaining to have sex, with a different chick, in every state in the US and write a book about it. Something on the backburner for now.. but something I might (try) and do some year soon. 50 chicks in a short period of time is.. a lot...
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hey hope you have a good xmas too

so you want me to buy you a cookie, do you?
i still like my original idea where you buy me a cookie. yes, i think that`s the best way to go about things.

i`ll wait here. you bring me a cookie smile .