Sometimes you're so busy with life you don't write random shit on the internet coz there's so much other real shit going on. O guess recently it's been that kinda deal.

This last week me and John were hanging out a lot voz he had a week off school. Been kinda hardcore,, as always... hard not to be when you got no reason to wake...
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How'd you go about becomeing an English teacher? I guess being able to spell becoming would help. I envy your job. I want to be a teacher as well, English is my best subject, and I can't be in the same place for too long.
What could be better?
I gotta ask. What's Tang Su Yuk?

[Edited on Jun 09, 2005 12:38AM]
Happy birthday!

Last week has been fun. Kinda. I've been good and gone to my Haidong Gumdo class almost every day. I missed Friday thouh coz I went out on thursday 'til 7am. I'm trying to stop doing that.. but.. it still happens once or twice a week.. bah..

Met a new dude in town last night. Irish boy. He has 11 brothers and sisters. Pretty...
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Bondeggi bad.

Good food good.

Hot girls good.

Desperate girls bad,

Desperate hot girls freaky.

Cute cirls.. hot

Desperate cute girls.. freaky.

Korean girls.. frequently freak me out.

Me.. often freaked out.
So where in Korea do you live? I should go on out and explore the country one of these weekends.
So yeah I was thinking of saying "I'm back in the Korea" but I didn't ever leave so it would be an inappropriate comment.

However lately I've been pretty joyful. Harold(uh) introduced me to this 'new' bar a cooupla weeks ago. Its fuckin sick.. they've had every foreign person in town rock up to this place... in a small town like ours its like tripling...
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So I got a nice massage from Chung Hwa last friday which was nice. And today school was cool. But Judy left my USA class early, so it was just me and Rachel. Rachel is 15 but an OLD fifteen and kinda fancies me, so I had to really try hard to stop it being awkward today in our 1 on 1 session. Thursday is...
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Dear prostitutes,

If you REALLy want my custom, don't just jump on me, give me 1/10th of a handjob whilst and put your mini-skirt up around your neck. I mean, its cute and fun and all, but if you don't.. close the deal, you're not making any money, and I'm not getting laid. Sucks for us all. I mean I've still yet to pay for...
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Dear Garbage Witch,

I hate you and I hope you die. Anyway, I'm a foreign person. The white skin should have given it away. I know you love your garbage, and you enjoy your job frolicking in garbage. I've tried to be reasonably responsible in terms of how I've dealt with my garbage. I've seperated my plastics, my glass, and my metals, and placed them...
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Thanks for the support Taiwan-partiers. It was a crazy day, i still have scratch marks on my arm from the garbage witch.. And.. the garbage in my apartment. But its out on the balcony so its not too bad. Anyway I"m thinking about paying 2 or 3 thousand won to put a hit out on the garbage witch. She really upset me. So much so that I DIDN'T GO TO SEOUL THAT DAY. I was totally on my way.. then she freaked me the fuck out so I went back to my apartment and sobbed for a day instead. It was sad. Like me.

What up. I just expericence something similar but I was clueless what she was talking about. I put my bag down and stonewalled her. Now I dump at night (garbage). Peace.
So last night me and Harold went out, coz it was his brithday. Today was also his birthday. Long birthday. In fact last wednesday we mentioned he had a birthday coming up when we were out in some bar and this fella INSISTED on buying him a cake. Amusingly he also tried to buy us sex (his words). We weren't pissed enough to accept second...
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So there's this guy in town called Chris. He's kinda older than everyone else (early 60s) which is nice enough, But he also thinks he's cooler than mountain lake water. He is. Basically. A stupid cunt. (As an unimportant detail he's also married to a wonderful girl in her early thirties.. its... despicable that they ended up together.. she deserves so much better..)

On the...
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