One of my dogs is sick....
he is pretty old, he is a 15 year old shi tzu, and now he cant walk by himself he keeps falling down, he was super fine yesterday. I feel so sad. So its medication for 1 week, if he is is lucky he will be fine...
...otherwise its a 3000 $ operation for something vets are not even sure about, i just hate to see him suffer like that...

he is pretty old, he is a 15 year old shi tzu, and now he cant walk by himself he keeps falling down, he was super fine yesterday. I feel so sad. So its medication for 1 week, if he is is lucky he will be fine...
...otherwise its a 3000 $ operation for something vets are not even sure about, i just hate to see him suffer like that...
Si c'est vritablement une hernie discale, repos, repos et more repos!!! :s Bonne chance !
C est horrible
ma chienne est 13 and she is also losing mobility. My prayers are with you x