Seriously, who the fuck is stupid enough to mess with A trashcan full of broken pane window glass twice in one night AND take the signs warning the garbageman of the danger. I only realized the second time because I got up at 5:30 in the fucking morning to take a leak. Minutes later still in early darkness and slightly hungover there I am picking up 3 1/2 ft sections of unrelentingly wicked glass shards off of the lane on busy 39th ave. Picking them up with bare hands almost guarantees paper cuts. Who is this stupid! I'm actually quite impressed by the fact that you even managed to break some of the bigger chunks in half somehow and surprised to see no apparent blood trails in the nearby vicinity (though I hoped to see them). Seriously, who the fuck are you! P.S. please return our fucking ashtray which went missing a day ago. Asshole.
Digital security cam systems with 4 channel DVR, and 4 cams with night vision and motion detection only run $200 to $300. They work great for angelic kids of cops who go on daily crime sprees, who's parent swear they were with them the entire time ... the parent is no longer a cop.