Went and saw Combichrist last tuesday. The opening bands were pretty lame but Combi kicked soo much ass that the bouncers became concerned and the skinny guy on stage in charge of pushing wild people off the stage pretty much looked as though he had shit his pants. I was hanging around this old blind guy I've never met for most of the show which made it really interesting and even got him a few drinks because he rocked the hell out. When the show was over I decided to race several acquaintances to the after party on foot and ten blocks away and said if I beat them there I would buy them all drinks (which doesn't make sense because I was betting against myself) and surely enough I beat them there on foot against their car. Fortunately I quickly realized how drunk I was and didn't buy anymore drinks and went home before they took me up on my offer.
I got my job back at liquiddevelopment (well yes, sorta) and its been paying pretty good so far but I've been working upwards of 10+ hours a day so bleah. I have a picky art manager this time around who makes me go through revision hell.
Cool thing is I'm working on a game for the Wii and its cute for kids (and adults). I might be making unicorn horns tomorrow, I don't know but its a bit exciting.
On Sunday I went to Atomicant's and Schmelectra's place for the Superbowl and it was and fun even though I wasn't at all interested for the game. There was lots of cool SGPDX people there and lots of beer and deep fried corndogs and couch cuddling! By the end of the game I was already pretty tipsy and it was barely 6pm lol. I went to a bar after the party, I'm turning into a drunk.
Anyways, that a little summary of the past week.
I got my job back at liquiddevelopment (well yes, sorta) and its been paying pretty good so far but I've been working upwards of 10+ hours a day so bleah. I have a picky art manager this time around who makes me go through revision hell.

On Sunday I went to Atomicant's and Schmelectra's place for the Superbowl and it was and fun even though I wasn't at all interested for the game. There was lots of cool SGPDX people there and lots of beer and deep fried corndogs and couch cuddling! By the end of the game I was already pretty tipsy and it was barely 6pm lol. I went to a bar after the party, I'm turning into a drunk.

Anyways, that a little summary of the past week.
I miss drinking