I was bored one Sunday a few weeks back and decided to go hiking at multnomah falls along the columbia river gorge highway. I got sick of the populated tourist area of the falls and decided to hike up the mountain as far as I could go to get away from the crowd. overall it was a really great. Here are the pictures I took while there. Some of the pictures are cut off slightly by SG formatting so you might have to right click>view image. Enjoy. Oh and HAppy 4th of July!

Like this one a lot

Tried getting the eagle in this one

These two were self shot. I balanced my camera on a tree stump, set the timer for 10 seconds and ran my ass ontop of the rock, with a sure but deadly drop on a least two sides haha.

Some surreal micro shots

I was laying inches from a deathly drop when I peared over to my side and saw this inside the crack of a rock. A centipede devouring a dead mouse...gross but awesome.

Best shot of all of them imo, I just love this one

That water was fuckin cooooold, but refreshing

Back in Portland

Like this one a lot

Tried getting the eagle in this one

These two were self shot. I balanced my camera on a tree stump, set the timer for 10 seconds and ran my ass ontop of the rock, with a sure but deadly drop on a least two sides haha.

Some surreal micro shots

I was laying inches from a deathly drop when I peared over to my side and saw this inside the crack of a rock. A centipede devouring a dead mouse...gross but awesome.

Best shot of all of them imo, I just love this one

That water was fuckin cooooold, but refreshing

Back in Portland

Those pics are incredible