Back from my New Zealand trip. Simply Incredible. Doing well Jet lag wise despite nearly 40 hours travel time back to my doorstep.
Many many pics to share soon in a few days. Best experience I've ever had.
Never have I felt so reborn.
Jumping off a bridge into a river 40 feet below, crawling through a treacherous unguided cave filled with water and only flashlights, traveling off road on hairy roadways in an old Austin Gipsy that didn't have seatbelts, a jet boat ride down a river gorge at blazing speeds only inches from razor-like rocks, the biggest block party I ever experienced, a poker tourney with friends at a Uni flat (house), Camping and hiking in post card-esk settings and a total of 10 vehicles throughout several short road trips. General mischievous behavior around town and the town of Dunedin late at night and random physical challenges such as a race to the top of a large sand dune on the beach or to the top of a university sign pillar. Driving up the steepest street in the world with 5 people in a very small car with shit for brakes and tourists as obstacles.
These are just some of the things that were crammed into the ever intense schedule planned painstakingly by my sister and her finance for both me, my younger sister and her boyfriend the moment we set foot off the plane. I am sore as all hell and have a few new scars introduced to my body due to exploring and general New Zealand influenced craziness but am extremely happy nevertheless!

Jumping off a bridge into a river 40 feet below, crawling through a treacherous unguided cave filled with water and only flashlights, traveling off road on hairy roadways in an old Austin Gipsy that didn't have seatbelts, a jet boat ride down a river gorge at blazing speeds only inches from razor-like rocks, the biggest block party I ever experienced, a poker tourney with friends at a Uni flat (house), Camping and hiking in post card-esk settings and a total of 10 vehicles throughout several short road trips. General mischievous behavior around town and the town of Dunedin late at night and random physical challenges such as a race to the top of a large sand dune on the beach or to the top of a university sign pillar. Driving up the steepest street in the world with 5 people in a very small car with shit for brakes and tourists as obstacles.
These are just some of the things that were crammed into the ever intense schedule planned painstakingly by my sister and her finance for both me, my younger sister and her boyfriend the moment we set foot off the plane. I am sore as all hell and have a few new scars introduced to my body due to exploring and general New Zealand influenced craziness but am extremely happy nevertheless!