Today I received this in my PM box to another site I frequent daily.
I was just browsing your portfolio on here as well as your personal site. I am really impressed by your work overall as well as your demo reel, to be honest I am inspired not only by the work but how it is displayed to those looking at it. Its great to see so much life come from such low poly models to say the least.
Keep up the great work I look forward to seeing more!
John Doe (not real name)
Needless to say I feel really pumped to make art again.
You should put a link to your personal site on here, I would love to see your work
Thanks for showing interest Xerxes. I don't feel I'm ready to reveal my website here nor my identity on here just yet and much of my work I now realize reside on other stored hard drives anyways. The website is due for a make over as well and is more than a year outdated. This may all change in the next few months and I'll stop hiding in the dark with my stuff.