Is Tuesday the official "Everybody Drive Like a Fuck-wit Day"? Seriously, I was on my way home from a particularly shitty day at work, looking forward to a few hours of mind numbing clerical work at my union office, blasting the new Manson CD, thinking I would really commit murder for a cold beer and it seems everybody on my way (and traffic was light) was driving like a start-stumble-and-fucking-stop brain donor. I, at one point, even screamed "C'mon you brake riding piece of shit!!!" without regard to my open window. I'm sure the otherwise sweet looking young woman in the car in question heard me loud and clear. I kinda felt bad for a second, but then quickly remembered--SHE WAS DRIVING LIKE A FUCKING MORON!! I'm calm now, I've had a few beers, some tacos, and I'm relaxing to a vintage Barbara Steele film (my personal goth goddess, who's yours?), but motherfuck, I was road raging! How bad do you get??
Manson has a new album? That guy still making shit? Used to love him. Bought portrait of an American family before anyone even knew him, then after mechanical animals he just kinda lost his appeal to me. Maybe I'm just getting old. Or maybe he sucks ass these days. Could be either. Idk.
Still love dope hat though