Breaking news : Dr Dre and Jay-Z are about to drop a song called Under Pressure. The casting, the title etc are already orgasmic.
Histoire de l'Art
Talking about the legend of this song made me want to tell it forever right here.
Blue Sky and Silver Bird by Lamont Dozier is a not so well known song, I guess, produced by a certain McKinley Jackson for Lamont Dozier who was also at the time a big big Motown producer.
A sweet, upbeat song sometimes that rappers enjoyed very much and decided to sample. Atmosphere for example sampled it for their famous The Woman With The Tattooed Hands joint (no, it's not a Stieg Larsson's lost book). A song about women, obvious reference to The Night of the Hunter character in the title and throughout the song, about the ambivalence, good/evil with women and finally, everybody.
You then have a posthumous song by Notorious B.I.G., 2Pac, Mary J. Blige and Nas that also used the Lamont Dozier as a sample. It's called Living in Pain and it's a good introduction before our last song.
The last song is by the late Proof, best friend of Eminem and "founder" of D12. The song is called Kurt Kobain and it explores Proof's suicidal tendancies. The song is him writing a suicide note to people he loved, cared about, etc... It's really gloomy and it ends his only solo album with a bang as he finishes the song by killing himself and a spirit says strange things like "Love killed me" or stuff like that. As you can see in the video, the album theme is very morbid, songs are not all death related but it seems to worry him much. It also had the potential to become controversial as the dark comedy song "Jump Biatch" about people falling to death from their balconies was supposed to be called "Eric Clapton Jr.". It's the kind of humor Eminem and his people enjoy.
Less than a year later, when Proof got killed during a gunfight in a club over a pool fight, people remembered this song and talked about assisted suicide etc as it was told that Proof lost it at the club and was almost wanting for his demise that night. Other reports said it was just a shitty argument that degenerated into a sketchy gunfight that ended tragically with Proof and a bouncer dead on arrival.
The ironic fact is that the Lamont Dozier's song Proof samples for his last hurrah was produced by McKinley Jackson who's nobody else than Proof's biological father. It doesn't say anything, it's strange, it's a concidence but I think it gives the song much more power in these circumstances.
Do you know other things like that (songs, movies, books, paintings, etc...) who get heavier because of the story surrounding them afterwards ?
I'm thinking about stuff like the scariest painting ever "The Hands Resist Him" by Bill Stoneham.
A painting supposed to be haunted... One of its buyers was the actor who played producer Jack Waltz in The Godfather (you know, the guy who had a cut horse's head in his bed). The painting is said to be representing the threshold of two worlds : our world, the one we live in and another world, the dreams and possibilities' world where every choice you don't choose to make are and haunts you, it's showed by the hands pressing against the windows etc...
A couple bought the painting from the actor and when they sold it on eBay, they said the painting was haunted ! They said the doll was threatening the boy and wanted him to leave the painting and shit like that. It quickly became an urban legend. The artist was called and said there was no such thing as cursed painting, that the doll wasn't holding a gun etc... But anyway many people who got the painting died within a year after having been in contact with it so...
I love these stories.
(That shit must look like an essay for high school but who cares, I hope it was worth reading/listening.)
Sinon, je suis trs heureux en ce moment, si j'tais amateur de clichs je dirais "I'm walking on sunshine, woh woh" et des trucs du genre mais je me contente juste d'tre happy. malgr les contretemps dans le "planning" de cette putain de websrie, a en devient dsesprant.
A bientt, bitches !

Histoire de l'Art
Talking about the legend of this song made me want to tell it forever right here.
Blue Sky and Silver Bird by Lamont Dozier is a not so well known song, I guess, produced by a certain McKinley Jackson for Lamont Dozier who was also at the time a big big Motown producer.
A sweet, upbeat song sometimes that rappers enjoyed very much and decided to sample. Atmosphere for example sampled it for their famous The Woman With The Tattooed Hands joint (no, it's not a Stieg Larsson's lost book). A song about women, obvious reference to The Night of the Hunter character in the title and throughout the song, about the ambivalence, good/evil with women and finally, everybody.
You then have a posthumous song by Notorious B.I.G., 2Pac, Mary J. Blige and Nas that also used the Lamont Dozier as a sample. It's called Living in Pain and it's a good introduction before our last song.
The last song is by the late Proof, best friend of Eminem and "founder" of D12. The song is called Kurt Kobain and it explores Proof's suicidal tendancies. The song is him writing a suicide note to people he loved, cared about, etc... It's really gloomy and it ends his only solo album with a bang as he finishes the song by killing himself and a spirit says strange things like "Love killed me" or stuff like that. As you can see in the video, the album theme is very morbid, songs are not all death related but it seems to worry him much. It also had the potential to become controversial as the dark comedy song "Jump Biatch" about people falling to death from their balconies was supposed to be called "Eric Clapton Jr.". It's the kind of humor Eminem and his people enjoy.
Less than a year later, when Proof got killed during a gunfight in a club over a pool fight, people remembered this song and talked about assisted suicide etc as it was told that Proof lost it at the club and was almost wanting for his demise that night. Other reports said it was just a shitty argument that degenerated into a sketchy gunfight that ended tragically with Proof and a bouncer dead on arrival.
The ironic fact is that the Lamont Dozier's song Proof samples for his last hurrah was produced by McKinley Jackson who's nobody else than Proof's biological father. It doesn't say anything, it's strange, it's a concidence but I think it gives the song much more power in these circumstances.
Do you know other things like that (songs, movies, books, paintings, etc...) who get heavier because of the story surrounding them afterwards ?
I'm thinking about stuff like the scariest painting ever "The Hands Resist Him" by Bill Stoneham.

A painting supposed to be haunted... One of its buyers was the actor who played producer Jack Waltz in The Godfather (you know, the guy who had a cut horse's head in his bed). The painting is said to be representing the threshold of two worlds : our world, the one we live in and another world, the dreams and possibilities' world where every choice you don't choose to make are and haunts you, it's showed by the hands pressing against the windows etc...
A couple bought the painting from the actor and when they sold it on eBay, they said the painting was haunted ! They said the doll was threatening the boy and wanted him to leave the painting and shit like that. It quickly became an urban legend. The artist was called and said there was no such thing as cursed painting, that the doll wasn't holding a gun etc... But anyway many people who got the painting died within a year after having been in contact with it so...

I love these stories.
(That shit must look like an essay for high school but who cares, I hope it was worth reading/listening.)

Sinon, je suis trs heureux en ce moment, si j'tais amateur de clichs je dirais "I'm walking on sunshine, woh woh" et des trucs du genre mais je me contente juste d'tre happy. malgr les contretemps dans le "planning" de cette putain de websrie, a en devient dsesprant.
A bientt, bitches !

i've just been chilling, pretty much
no, wait, no, that's not right...
i've been at school and at work and at band practise and at pole dance practise and at work and at school and and and..
and somehow forgot this site even exists
most interesting, i know
what's up and all?
i'd love to travel somewhere for a longer period of time but it's not really possible right now with school and everything..
besides, no one can fly in or out of finland because iceland is spewing some dust all over the place......
that's our band's myspace, i sing
we only have one song recorded so far since we've been in the process of looking for musicians and writing songs...
now we might have aquired all of those and need to start doing some serious rehearsing
so it's all good, i'm happy