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Happy birthday SG
I'm not gonna lie. Life has been hard. The times in my life when I was the happiest have turned out to be lies. I have been married twice, and devastated by each time. My life has been one big fight. I've fought my entire life to be my true self, refusing to compromise or be forced to fit into society's little box. I spent...
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So, I finally got my biopsy report, and all cancer cells from the melanoma site were removed. Of course there is a slim chance that some cancer cells could have gotten into my blood or lymph system and traveled elsewhere, but this is unlikely because it was caught early. I've been living with that possibility for 10 years since my first melanoma. I'm not going...
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I went back to the doctor today so they could take a bigger chunk of my skin in order to be sure no cancer cells remain. It left a hole that's probably big enough to put two US quarters inside. Hopefully the pathology report will be clear this time. Thank you to those of you that have shown support. It means a lot to me....
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I wish there was a way I could be sure that everyone on this site would read this. I know that when you're young it's easy to feel invincible, or at least to think you have plenty of time to worry about the future. The truth is that time goes more quickly than you think, and while many talk about "dying young and leaving a...
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Such an amazingly beautiful place. I started off in Edinburgh, and toured Edinburgh Castle. The next
day I headed to Pitlochry and stayed in the Atholl Palace Hotel. Such a beautiful place with lots of walking trails and a nearby distillery. From there I moved on to Inverness and a tour of Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle. Also stopped and took a tour of Cawdor
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I've been a member here since 2011, and became a lifetime member by getting my tattoo on September 15, 2015. I'm proud to have the tattoo, and proud to be a part of this community. Thank you to all who make this possible, to all the lovely ladies who contribute to the site, and especially to all those who have taken the time to communicate...
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A lot of big name musicians have been dying recently, but this one really hits home for me. Not because Tom Petty is from Gainesville, Florida, which is just up the road from where I live, but because he was a true man of the people. I was the prime age for rock n roll when he had his big breakthrough album in 1979. He...
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Happy birthday to me. Thanks to all who have contacted me on this site. It's an awesome place to be...
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I spent yesterday risking heat stroke to see 8 bands play live in Orlando, all under the blazing Florida sun. The main acts were Trapt and Saliva, but my favorite overall was Saving Abel. If you listen to rock at all you must have heard their song "Addicted". While there, I had two lovely young ladies who got very excited over my Suicide Girls tattoo....
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I got this yesterday, by the same guy who did my SG tattoo. I wanted something rock and roll, because music really has been my salvation throughout my life. I chose this guitar because I've always admired the look of it in old pictures of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I wasn't old enough to ever see them(the real version), but always admired Allen Collins' ability as a...
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I spent the weekend rocking out in Daytona. Friday night was the Southern Rock band Blackberry Smoke, followed up by Buckcherry. Josh Todd of Buckcherry definitely knows how to crank up the crowd. That guy never slows down. And something about the song "Crazy Bitch" makes women want to take off their tops. There were two young women walking around topless except for some body...
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