Birthday came and went, it just becomes another day and number as the years go by.
I'm 27 and I haven't shaved my beard since I was at least 20.......maybe 19 and at this point i'm afraid to, what if I don't like whats under there? I get a lot of compliments about it....from the ladies and one weird old guy
I'm just thinking about it.
The beard thing is interesting -- is that the Abe reference? It's all coming together. Baha.
Birthdays really do just come and go sometimes, and it's weird. I'm not sure if I prefer it when no one tries to prevent this [ie: attempting to make a thing of them] because it always fails and somehow that is sadder. I guess so. By the way, though, happy birthday. Did I say this? I thought of it at some point but may have forgotten to actually click the buttons. Hmph.