I could have been killed yesterday mourning. It was 4:30AM, im at my neighborhood and I see a car with its flashers on. At first I just kept going but then turned around,I thought someone might have had a medical problem so I wanted to check. I get to the car and it's just some dipshit who ran out of gas. He had no money no phone, I had both, but no way he was getting in, no telling what he or anyone is capable of doing. He must have thought I was an asshole for leaving him there, and I felt like one. Not long after I left him I saw a cop and told him, he pulled off and not 30 seconds later I was going the same way and when I got back to the car the flashers are off, the dipshits not there, no cop. I dont know what the hell happend, there might be a dead cop out there somewhere but at least I feel better for trying to help the guy.