So it's definate, my mother is going to Texas. We are leaving on the 13the and I'll be back sometime that weekend. My last day at work is now the 9th...the extended me again yesterday. I fucking day notice!
Megze is having a birthday party tonight. I want to go but I don't know if I will. I don't know most of these people well but that's my fault.
I got one comment about my pretty song and it wasn't even about the song. I just don't know what else to give you people
I need to take more pictures but I keep putting it off. I'm a big weenie I think but I need to improve my camera skills.
My friend called me yesterday asking for advice. I missed her call but called her back fairly promptly. I have not heard back from her. This slightly annoys me because now I'm curious.
I get to bake and clean all weekend. Cookies, brownies and bread...OH MY! If I go to the party tonight I'll probably bring cupcakes. It's what I do. Maybe I think it's payback for letting me come to the party. I always have to have something to offer to earn my keep.
It's already September and a three day weekend to boot. Next month it will be Halloween, my favorite holiday. I've already started thinking about what I'm going to do. The next month is November. Thanksgiving and my birtday just a few days apart. My birthdays are always uneventful and I would say most people in my life forget. I'm not one to wave my arms and say hey it's my birthday!" I will turn 24 in silence with a card from my mother.
The year is heading into it's downward spiral. Soon it will snow and the holiday season will march us into 2006. I feel like I got nothing accomplished but I did manage to have some fun.

Megze is having a birthday party tonight. I want to go but I don't know if I will. I don't know most of these people well but that's my fault.
I got one comment about my pretty song and it wasn't even about the song. I just don't know what else to give you people

I need to take more pictures but I keep putting it off. I'm a big weenie I think but I need to improve my camera skills.
My friend called me yesterday asking for advice. I missed her call but called her back fairly promptly. I have not heard back from her. This slightly annoys me because now I'm curious.
I get to bake and clean all weekend. Cookies, brownies and bread...OH MY! If I go to the party tonight I'll probably bring cupcakes. It's what I do. Maybe I think it's payback for letting me come to the party. I always have to have something to offer to earn my keep.
It's already September and a three day weekend to boot. Next month it will be Halloween, my favorite holiday. I've already started thinking about what I'm going to do. The next month is November. Thanksgiving and my birtday just a few days apart. My birthdays are always uneventful and I would say most people in my life forget. I'm not one to wave my arms and say hey it's my birthday!" I will turn 24 in silence with a card from my mother.
The year is heading into it's downward spiral. Soon it will snow and the holiday season will march us into 2006. I feel like I got nothing accomplished but I did manage to have some fun.

How did the baking marathon go?