*Added on 17Oct05* I've been tagged by Megze to list 20 facts about myself.
1. I have 3 older half-brothers. G is 34, K is 29 and J is somewhere in between. I haven't seen or spoken to J in nearly 10 years, G in 3 1/2 years and K lives here so I speak to him all the time, though I don't really want to.
2. My mom was on the pill when I was conceived. I'm what some would call a "surprise." Both of my parents promptly got fixed after I was born.
3. I have a slinky little black cat named Obsidian and I get annoyed when people assume I have him because black cats are so trendy right now. He's all I've ever wanted since I was a little girl and we had a black & white mongrel living in our yard.
4. I really like water. I linger in the shower and I've been known to sit in the rain for no other reason than to get wet.
5. I sang in school choirs from 4th to 12th grade. I sang in an ensamble in senior year that got paid for gigs. I was offered the chance to audition for a musical scholarship to UNLV. I passed it up to move to Colorado.
6. I have broken more bones than almost anyone else I know. The list includes my hip, jaw, both lower left arm bones, every toe and most of my fingers.
7. I was raised to be mechanically inclined. When I was young my father built his own choppers and I helped. When I got a little older I worked with my father to restore a '64 Ford Galaxy, a '57 Ford pickup and a '51 Chevy pickup.
8. I really like to cook and do crafty things. I'll cook just about anything for just about anybody and I'm cuurently tacking new fabric on an old corset so I can possibly wear it for Halloween.
9. I'm a vampire. I am way more happy being awake and active at night rather than during the day.
10. I ditched about 3/4 of 8th grade. I almost got held back but I took all of my finals, aced them, so everyone agreed holding me back wouldn't be a good idea. I went on to be in the top 10% of my class all through high school without even trying.
11. I did about every drug known to man when I was younger. I refused to try heroin, becase of a family history of addiction, and crack cocain, because it's fucking crack.
12. I was also detained by the police several times during my misspent youth. My father got me out of it every time.
13. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in over 4 months.
14. I haven't touched a hard drug since my teens.
15. I haven't had sex in nearly 2 years.
16. I never went to a school dance.
17. I grew up with bikers, namely the Hells Angels. I didn't understand the significance of the big men on pretty bikes until I was much older.
18. I'm amazed and bizzarely touched that Megze tagged me for this.
19. I am absolutely terrified of driving. I was taught at a young age and can drive well but even the thought of my very own, fully restored '51 Chevy pickup couldn't inspire me to get my license.
20. I think many people are put off by my imposing size and surly disposition when they first meet me but in truth I have Social Anxiety disorder and new people/situations freak me out and turn me into a shy mess.
Well I'm done and I'm supposed to tag 3 new people. My choices:
Soldatka becasue she's hillarious and international.
pAuly because he's adorable and always good for fun stuff.
Tarnish because she's a fellow PSW that I would love to know more about.
I'm leaving the old journal entry up because it's long and I feel more people should have the chance to enjoy it.
I've been a naughty, naughty girl...neglecting my journal for 2 whole weeks
Where to begin?
I was sick last week, really sick. We're talking scary body fluids and everything
Said sickness also led to the bizarre "baby bits" line. Teaches me not to post when I'm delusional with fever.
My mom went back to Texas after a week of decompressing from the hurricane and waiting for her job to start back up. She works at a refinery in Port Arthur but she's working out of the corporate office in Houston until the refinery is fixed. I'm ready to really get started on this being alone thing again. She won't be back until Thanksgiving now.
I cleaned this weekend, like bunches. Anyone that knows me will realize this is a very rare thing. I absolutely despise doing dishes. The ironic part of this is that I LOVE to cook and bake. I need to get disposable everything
I still have no idea what to do for Halloween. The friend I was trying to make plans with seems to have abandoned me. My favorite holiday is again going to waste. Another leason learned: Make Friends!! It would be easier if I wasn't so painfully shy and neurotic.
I'm going to the H.I.M concert this Wednesday and the SG Burlesque show on the 25th. As of right now I will be attending both events alone. The previously mentioned friend was supposed to go to the Burlesque show with me but I'm not keeping my hopes up
My birthday is in a month and a half. My mom wants me to make plans. I have no idea what to do. I'm not known for having very successful birthdays either. Last year I got a card. That's it, a card. I didn't go out, I didn't have a party. My birthday has been just another day for years. WOO HOO! I'm a hoot aren't I?
Speaking of hoot...I have a cousin named Hooter. I shit you not. This is what I get for having mostly rednecks and Mormons as relatives.
I recently left all of my Yahoo groups and Myspace. I got tired of trying to keep up with all that crap. The only community I'm still a part of is SG and that's only because there are so many interesting people here to watch.
So did I miss anything cool while I was gone?
1. I have 3 older half-brothers. G is 34, K is 29 and J is somewhere in between. I haven't seen or spoken to J in nearly 10 years, G in 3 1/2 years and K lives here so I speak to him all the time, though I don't really want to.
2. My mom was on the pill when I was conceived. I'm what some would call a "surprise." Both of my parents promptly got fixed after I was born.
3. I have a slinky little black cat named Obsidian and I get annoyed when people assume I have him because black cats are so trendy right now. He's all I've ever wanted since I was a little girl and we had a black & white mongrel living in our yard.
4. I really like water. I linger in the shower and I've been known to sit in the rain for no other reason than to get wet.
5. I sang in school choirs from 4th to 12th grade. I sang in an ensamble in senior year that got paid for gigs. I was offered the chance to audition for a musical scholarship to UNLV. I passed it up to move to Colorado.
6. I have broken more bones than almost anyone else I know. The list includes my hip, jaw, both lower left arm bones, every toe and most of my fingers.
7. I was raised to be mechanically inclined. When I was young my father built his own choppers and I helped. When I got a little older I worked with my father to restore a '64 Ford Galaxy, a '57 Ford pickup and a '51 Chevy pickup.
8. I really like to cook and do crafty things. I'll cook just about anything for just about anybody and I'm cuurently tacking new fabric on an old corset so I can possibly wear it for Halloween.
9. I'm a vampire. I am way more happy being awake and active at night rather than during the day.
10. I ditched about 3/4 of 8th grade. I almost got held back but I took all of my finals, aced them, so everyone agreed holding me back wouldn't be a good idea. I went on to be in the top 10% of my class all through high school without even trying.
11. I did about every drug known to man when I was younger. I refused to try heroin, becase of a family history of addiction, and crack cocain, because it's fucking crack.
12. I was also detained by the police several times during my misspent youth. My father got me out of it every time.
13. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in over 4 months.
14. I haven't touched a hard drug since my teens.
15. I haven't had sex in nearly 2 years.
16. I never went to a school dance.
17. I grew up with bikers, namely the Hells Angels. I didn't understand the significance of the big men on pretty bikes until I was much older.
18. I'm amazed and bizzarely touched that Megze tagged me for this.
19. I am absolutely terrified of driving. I was taught at a young age and can drive well but even the thought of my very own, fully restored '51 Chevy pickup couldn't inspire me to get my license.
20. I think many people are put off by my imposing size and surly disposition when they first meet me but in truth I have Social Anxiety disorder and new people/situations freak me out and turn me into a shy mess.
Well I'm done and I'm supposed to tag 3 new people. My choices:
Soldatka becasue she's hillarious and international.
pAuly because he's adorable and always good for fun stuff.
Tarnish because she's a fellow PSW that I would love to know more about.
I'm leaving the old journal entry up because it's long and I feel more people should have the chance to enjoy it.

I've been a naughty, naughty girl...neglecting my journal for 2 whole weeks

Where to begin?
I was sick last week, really sick. We're talking scary body fluids and everything

My mom went back to Texas after a week of decompressing from the hurricane and waiting for her job to start back up. She works at a refinery in Port Arthur but she's working out of the corporate office in Houston until the refinery is fixed. I'm ready to really get started on this being alone thing again. She won't be back until Thanksgiving now.
I cleaned this weekend, like bunches. Anyone that knows me will realize this is a very rare thing. I absolutely despise doing dishes. The ironic part of this is that I LOVE to cook and bake. I need to get disposable everything

I still have no idea what to do for Halloween. The friend I was trying to make plans with seems to have abandoned me. My favorite holiday is again going to waste. Another leason learned: Make Friends!! It would be easier if I wasn't so painfully shy and neurotic.
I'm going to the H.I.M concert this Wednesday and the SG Burlesque show on the 25th. As of right now I will be attending both events alone. The previously mentioned friend was supposed to go to the Burlesque show with me but I'm not keeping my hopes up

My birthday is in a month and a half. My mom wants me to make plans. I have no idea what to do. I'm not known for having very successful birthdays either. Last year I got a card. That's it, a card. I didn't go out, I didn't have a party. My birthday has been just another day for years. WOO HOO! I'm a hoot aren't I?
Speaking of hoot...I have a cousin named Hooter. I shit you not. This is what I get for having mostly rednecks and Mormons as relatives.
I recently left all of my Yahoo groups and Myspace. I got tired of trying to keep up with all that crap. The only community I'm still a part of is SG and that's only because there are so many interesting people here to watch.
So did I miss anything cool while I was gone?
Hooter? You have a cousin called Hooter? That is braw. I just about peed myself laughing!