I'm still alive I swear. I doubt many people really care and that is A OK by me.
I've been working on some stuff, some boring me stuff that I won't get into.
Ooo funsies though. I finally found a hot pink pink Christmas tree! I've wanted one for awhile but they were either too pricey or not the right shade. I'm happy with the...
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I've been working on some stuff, some boring me stuff that I won't get into.

Ooo funsies though. I finally found a hot pink pink Christmas tree! I've wanted one for awhile but they were either too pricey or not the right shade. I'm happy with the...
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I'm updating from RVACharlie's iPhone. I'm at a Devotchka show and I'm hammered. Seriously.
And it was a great show!
a Devotchka show? im sooo jealous!
I have a weird feeling, like something is wrong and I don't know what. It's giving me the heebies.
you probably just have to fart! 

is because it was april fools day well just my guess
Umm...let's see. What's been going on?
The new SG doesn't bother me. I can use it fine and I kind of like having my own homepage. I don't get the big hoopla of it sucking. My computer doesn't really like chat but that's not surprising, my computer is ancient afterall. It's basically like an old book with a new cover to me...meh.
I bought a...
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The new SG doesn't bother me. I can use it fine and I kind of like having my own homepage. I don't get the big hoopla of it sucking. My computer doesn't really like chat but that's not surprising, my computer is ancient afterall. It's basically like an old book with a new cover to me...meh.
I bought a...
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Would you be willing to lend me a hand for about an hour on Tuesday night to get my truckbed cover removed and stored in the yard? It's kind of heavy, but not heinously so. I could come get you between 8 and 8:30 if that works for you.
Thanks so much for the offer!! Plus, we'll have to sort out that sorbet thing when I get my ice cream maker down here.
Thanks so much for the offer!! Plus, we'll have to sort out that sorbet thing when I get my ice cream maker down here.
Thanks for letting me know, sometimes I never hear back!!

You're a sad, confused, half-pirate. I've seen it time, and time again.
I 've been going out quite fequently lately and I've come to a sobering realization. I'm old and I seriously get tuckered out before all the fun is over. I threw away all of my partiness in my misspent teens and now I regret it. I like these people better and I wish they were my friends when I was 15.
I made valentines last...
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I made valentines last...
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Happy manufactured holiday day. We should have been getting shit faced somewhere and hurling insults at couples as they walked by.
It was good how was yours?
I'm feeling much better.
I realized something though. Taking a cab to the hospital at 3am really made me realize how alone I am. I could die in my apartment tomorrow and it would take days, possibly even weeks, for anybody to come looking for me. Morbid, huh?
I went out last night with some SGCO folk and listened to some bands I'd never listened...
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I realized something though. Taking a cab to the hospital at 3am really made me realize how alone I am. I could die in my apartment tomorrow and it would take days, possibly even weeks, for anybody to come looking for me. Morbid, huh?
I went out last night with some SGCO folk and listened to some bands I'd never listened...
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It was nice meeting you last night! Hope to see you again soon!!
fucking awesome! Bring it to craft day pleeeeezzzzzz
I feel like so much ass. I feel like ass reheated and served all over again. I feel like day old ass. Would you like to know why?
I've had chronic ear infections since infancy. I've had tubes in my ears twice. I started getting migrains at age 10. Three years or so ago I went to an ENT for ear pain. I assumed I...
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I've had chronic ear infections since infancy. I've had tubes in my ears twice. I started getting migrains at age 10. Three years or so ago I went to an ENT for ear pain. I assumed I...
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Thank you
I hope you are feeling better. That sounds like the most horrible headache on earth.

I hope you are feeling better. That sounds like the most horrible headache on earth.

that sounds like excruciating amounts of awful! hope it feels better...
i went to work of course! but i didn't go to school. i never miss work. never ever.

i went to work of course! but i didn't go to school. i never miss work. never ever.
yeah, i spent a large portion of my day cleaning. Its fun though, as long as you put on good music to listen to while you work.

you new hair is cute
The SG message thngy is not working for me so call me or e-mail me at pixiebmm@hotmail.com and I'll give you my addy again

The SG message thngy is not working for me so call me or e-mail me at pixiebmm@hotmail.com and I'll give you my addy again
2005 REALLY needs to be over now!!
My brother flooded my hallway...with toilet water.
My brother flooded my hallway...with toilet water.

Happy New Year!
I hope it is better!!!

I hope it is better!!!
Soooo...SG is just another thing I've been slack ass about lately. I'm actually amazed that I got on here before the new year. My poor apartment was smothered in people and still kind of is (my brother has yet to depart). I am now left with too many leftovers and a mess to clean-up.
I currently have a wicked migrain and I really shouldn't be...
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I currently have a wicked migrain and I really shouldn't be...
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Call me if you need mouth to mouth.

I'm CPR certified

Thanksgiving is over and, in my world, so is my birthday. I won't officially be 24 until Wednesday but I think I've gotten all of the gifts and recognition I'm going to get.
Thanksgiving dinner went well. My turkey came out tasty though it's preparation was an experiment. I now have too many leftovers in my fridge.
I've decided to let my hair grow out....
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Thanksgiving dinner went well. My turkey came out tasty though it's preparation was an experiment. I now have too many leftovers in my fridge.
I've decided to let my hair grow out....
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my holiday was good! not much of break...but holidays never seem to be.
it'll be interesting to see if i can eat all of my leftovers before i become disinterested in them and they go bad.
it'll be interesting to see if i can eat all of my leftovers before i become disinterested in them and they go bad.

The sais are yours. Email me when you get a chance!
So where would you go? Portugal or Spain?