uh, a month and a half since my last update. not too good really I know but I haven't really felt like I had much to say. My psychology class is great, I'm really enjoying it. Though 3 hours of lectures to get 2 sides of notes is PRETTY DAMN SLOW I'd say!! I suppose that'll make it easier to learn, but it does get a bit dull waiting for him to move on. Anyway it means I now have a student card again. For some reason I'm not worthy of getting my photo on it, and rather delightfully it has "Adult Education" emblazoned on it so make sure people think I'm innumerate or something. I'll admit I am at times, but it takes a good few drinks before that happens. And at that point I generally need physical support too. Oh well. On the plus side, the building I'm in seems to be almost entirely filled with young girls (when I say young, I mean 18-21) which makes it very pleasant to walk around uring the day. Unfortunately given that I normally work during the day and my classes are at night, I tend to miss out on that. Damn. It's all swings and roundabouts I suppose.
I decided in the last couple of weeks that I'd like to so some funky things like sky diving, swimming with sharks etc. Wouldn't that be cool? It's not cheap but bugger it it'd be fun. Life's too short to waste it away doing nothing. What other things like that could I do? I wonder.
Oh yeah, finally my band's new CD is coming out on Oct 30th! It's only been about 15 months since we finished it. Check it out at marshanrock.com if you can be arsed.
I'm off out with some pals shortly so I'd better bugger off and finish my beer. Hope you're all having a good weekend. Should I feel like an old bastard for turning 29 soon?
I decided in the last couple of weeks that I'd like to so some funky things like sky diving, swimming with sharks etc. Wouldn't that be cool? It's not cheap but bugger it it'd be fun. Life's too short to waste it away doing nothing. What other things like that could I do? I wonder.
Oh yeah, finally my band's new CD is coming out on Oct 30th! It's only been about 15 months since we finished it. Check it out at marshanrock.com if you can be arsed.
I'm off out with some pals shortly so I'd better bugger off and finish my beer. Hope you're all having a good weekend. Should I feel like an old bastard for turning 29 soon?

Happy Birthday Dude! We'll see you tonight for drinkin and the usual shenannigans...