Got a little Irritated with At&T with my Iphone not being able to Roam anywhere in the US, Talked to Verizon and got on there no Contract plan(will have the phone payed off in two month's)and gotta say..As much as I hate big company's I am quite impressed with there customer service compared to 3 years ago.
Anyway's traded my Iphone 5 in and got 300$ for it. Picked up the Nokia Lumia Icon and have to say this phone is hands down better then any other phone I have ever had. The OS is silky smooth and everything is all in one place while looking very clean! All my friends know how much I hate clutter and how I try everything possible to make everything look nice and clean.
Anyways yeah nothing note worthy for a blog post but thought I would anyway's. Atleast now I got a camera phone that takes some awesome photo's when I do not have my DSLR on me! Be Great for some of my detailing shots!