BBeen working my ass off and have finally settled down these last two weeks. Buddy and I are trying to get a sponsorship setup for our drag racing team, So far have one shop thinking about it. We did a promo video and would like to share it. Enjoy!
There are(is)always two sides to a story"
Why did I put this here? Cause people seem to forget that. Seem's as if I am bitching..I'm not, just noting a observation.
Got a little Irritated with At&T with my Iphone not being able to Roam anywhere in the US, Talked to Verizon and got on there no Contract plan(will have the phone payed off in two month's)and gotta say..As much as I hate big company's I am quite impressed with there customer service compared to 3 years ago.
Anyway's traded my Iphone 5 in and got...
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I have been trying to get back to where I was in mountain biking when I was 17 and taking it very seriously. However it has been a uphill battle, I feel I am getting there though. I decided to try out the village of Cloudcrofts Mountain bike course that they have. Its pretty bad ass and absolutely gorgeous!
It was still pretty muddy from...
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Nothing much to write about, but I am sure I can think of something..
Well I met the Kindred I am with last year and and the Gohdi was into mountain biking. Keep in mind the last time I was really into it was when I was 16 and I am 30 now. So I decided to take it up again using his Bike, let...
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