Today i was in a art centre to talk about an exibition with my studio.
walkin' alone in the building i saw this and i liked it. (pic low res...cell phone)

some miniscreens composing a face and in every screen a part of it. eyes blinking..nose..mouth moving...
amazing to me
and this.. an ass made of small people...thousand and thousand people.

Since 2 weeks i'm listening to ambient/experimental/electronic/violent music...
I'm in a deepdub state of mind...something is happening inside here and can't wait to see the result.
check this out
Thomas Koner (Daikan, La Barca)
Venetian snares (Meathole and My Downfall (Original Soundtrack) )
Demdike Stare (Symbiosis)
Frank Bretschneider (Rhythm)
Pan Sonic (A, Aaltopiiri)
walkin' alone in the building i saw this and i liked it. (pic low res...cell phone)

some miniscreens composing a face and in every screen a part of it. eyes blinking..nose..mouth moving...
amazing to me
and this.. an ass made of small people...thousand and thousand people.

Since 2 weeks i'm listening to ambient/experimental/electronic/violent music...
I'm in a deepdub state of mind...something is happening inside here and can't wait to see the result.
check this out
Thomas Koner (Daikan, La Barca)
Venetian snares (Meathole and My Downfall (Original Soundtrack) )
Demdike Stare (Symbiosis)
Frank Bretschneider (Rhythm)
Pan Sonic (A, Aaltopiiri)