
Hope tonight is going to be a great party!!!
Finally i can hear The Field live. I always wondered how their music sounds in the club!
I think is going to be an experience.

and after The Field...Zomby!

It's a pity that this weekend i have to work so hard...if i'll get too drunk (as usual) i won't wake up...
Gotta watch out!
you make me blush blush
I think i just heard the most acid/violent album of my life
This will be enough for two years at least...
don't wanna hear it again ahahaha!even if it's not my genre i needed to do it...i'm fuckin' curious and one day this attitude will ruin my life...

And the album is.....
Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole
by Venetian Snares.
Reccomended for a romantic dinner...
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Thanks, I'm loving it smile won't help with finding a new job though.
First blog!
Why? mmm...maybe 'cause it's raining a lot here...maybe 'cause i'm curious...maybe there's no reason...
I'm thinking about my next tattoo. Of course i will finish my left arm first but i already know how it's going to be.
So i'm thinking about my right arm and i have two options.
1. another japanese/chinese/taiwanese style on whole arm but everything in red colour..no black....
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can't wait to see what you come up with for your new ink.

your comments always stand out to me. thank you for that smile